I once spent £1.99 on this game. I felt dirty.

If there wasn't so many repeated enemies this might be one of my favourite games.

Amazing art style with great combat and exploration

Enjoyable combat with a gorgeous art style and music but the sheer length of the game is too much for me. Also kinda disappointed by the lack of party interactions.

Somehow I can wander for 2hrs and still enjoy this game, there's just so much to do. Although the dungeons are average and repetitive, breaking into them is much more fun.

Classic old style, soul crushing platformer. Playtime comes from having to restart the game over and over again. Can feel unfair at times.

Even with save states this is painful beacuse of the lack of any direction given by the game, not sure why I decided to play this.

Finally a game complex enough to challenge my galaxy brian.


Only redeeming fact is that uno is a fun card game. The game itself is a janky mess.

This review was written before the game released

fun mechanics and beautiful art style. can sometimes feel like there is too much on the screen in terms of gameplay and graphics. still a promising demo