When it comes to story-based games - or psychological games in general - I make sure to go in as blind as possible, as I'm very sensitive to spoilers. Boy, am I glad I experienced this masterpiece blind. So, do yourself a huge favor and don't read too much beforehand: just buy and play this game already!

I've been playing video games for over 26 years, on many different platforms, in many different genres. Seldom do I come across a game that affects me on such a deep level as OMORI. A games that left me crying sobbingly for several days in a row. A soundtrack that follows me for hours everyday. A cast of characters that make me wish I could hang out with them.

I'm a content creator in both music and commentary for about 14 years, and few games/worlds have made me genuinely want to create fan content. OMORI has become one of them as I'm currently working on two music project as tribute to it.

I'm glad to have entered the world of OMORI early in its life. I definitely look forward to see this game blossom in the gaming world and to see more of its fan-made content!

I'd consider it an anti-sequel.

100% and all platinum achieved. Good game but I am disappointed, full review here: https://youtu.be/jp_x262YD0Q

Great lore, gameplay and music! Not a fan of the temple keys and portal animation, though.
Live playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdYU5ZdGlpk

Visually great but very frustrating gameplay...

Got true ending and beat all DLC. I've never hated and loved a game so much in my life. Beating The Final Song took about 15 attempts but I finally did it! I really couldn't stop shaking near the end and my heart was beating so damn fast... You can actually hear me laugh at 16:50, I had so much built up energy that it just came out all at once at that point:

Fantastic game and contender for GOTY. Streamed the entire game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpHDxB4Tk0U

- S20 as solo Stingray
- Rank #1 on Knight League up until a weekend event
- Rank #1 on Queen League up until a weekend event

New mainline F-Zero game for the next system COPIUM


Beautiful in its depressive atmosphere.

Ultra punishing game but very rewarding!
New Babe+ live playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IM0XR4uFlM

Beat "The Perfect Run" on OG hardware.