2048 for those with disturbed souls

I 100% this game 3 times already, enjoying myself much more each time. Playing through the game casually is definitely fun, you can get enough enjoyment out of understanding basic movement and just trying to reach the goals, but the game truly excels in giving you great movement capabilities. You have so many opportunities to gain just a bit more speed, and mastering your movement options makes pulling off impressive speedruns and tricks feel so satisfying. This is also one of the prettiest games I've ever played, its mix of cartoony character designs and beautiful landscapes that look painted will ultimately make this game's art timeless.

yeah it plays like. fine i guess. it's a little clunky because it's running on a DS but it's like. fine. the fights are less annoying than the ones in 358/2, and the stat matrix is a fun way to play with the game's difficulty

but wow there's like . nothing important here, huh

BFBB but MUCH more linear; less to explore and no hub area makes it a downgrade in those regards, but it's still great in its own rights. The added slide challenges are a fun time, but the Patty Wagon segments could've been better. Easily has one of the best soundtracks of any licensed game, I'm seriously shocked how well composed Spongebob games tend to be regardless of their quality.


A perfectly mediocre experience. Gameplay lacks depth (ironic considering its entire gimmick), it's really just Wii Boxing with a flurry attack and different abilities for each hand you use. Has some good character designs, has some really lame ones. The one thing you'll be remembering from this game is probably the soundtrack, honestly.

A little rough around the edges, but the visuals and music help carry some weight, and it can be pretty fun in multiplayer.

i was going to give this game a 3 for having a pretty fun panel system despite the combat feeling slow, and then they started giving me tedious as hell missions

and then i got to leechgrave and i realized wow this game really ISNT an overhated gem it really is just a perfectly hated experience; bosses have way too much health, a lot of enemies are really annoying to engage with, and the slow as hell combat really stings when this game was the one that followed KH2, one of the smoothest feeling ARPGs of all time; I can acknowledge that my distaste for COM came from me being bad and unfamiliar with the combat system, but I can absolutely not give this game that same credit, this really is just a poorly designed game

this is easily the worst playing game in the series up until this point, which is unfortunate because it's paired with what's probably my best in terms of the story

this game changed my life for the worst

Went back a couple months ago to try this game out with some friends. Was it a fun time? Yes. Was it a fun game? Maybe? It's very sloppy in a lot of areas, and I don't think I'd ever play it by myself, but if you just want a game to have stupid fun in with likely drunken friends, this would be it.

giant bosses be like wastes 4 minutes off the timer just to do the single attack that makes them vulnerable

once you become a demigod it's really hard to find motivation to start another singleplayer playthrough

whoever decided to make team chaotix the way it is should not be able to decide things in SEGA again

This review contains spoilers

A series that never got the love it deserved, not by the public nor Nintendo itself. As a concept, Chibi-Robo is an absolute brilliant idea, putting you in the eyes of a 3 inch robot exploring a big house, discovering nooks and crannies with secrets to be uncovered, all while you clean stains with your musical cleaning utensils. Not enough games play with size quite like Chibi-Robo does, putting a relatively small character in what will seem like a huge world.

The game's writing is charming all throughout, the characters are all endearing, even all of the side-characters are fleshed out enough to add a lot to the game as a whole. In fact, the enjoyment I get from the game's writing is almost entirely from side-character related content, it takes up the majority of the game. Even then, the main story is also a fun one to play through, putting you in the middle of a domestic squabble in which you have to save the marriage of a manchild addicted to anime to the point of putting his family in debt. Trust me when I say it's goofier and more fun than it sounds.

The game's sound design is top notch, giving you different pieces of music to fit each NPC's personality, fun riffs every time you use a tool, and every time you walk on a different type of surface a different instrument will play along to your footsteps. The use of voice clips from assorted media spliced to construct the voice clips of the characters in game adds a lot to the whole goofy and wacky feel of the game, and is honestly something I don't see talked about among the people who have played this game. It's such a cute little touch.

All in all? The game is great, it's fun to play, it's fun to explore, it's fun to listen to, it's fun to look at, the stories are all fun, everything was just so well done. One of the most endearing games I've ever played.

I'm honestly shocked there haven't been more games that are just like Fall Guys; a game where you run around in a giant Wipeout-styled playground set is such a fun idea. The charm of the game's ragdoll physics quickly become more annoying than fun, and the lack of movement options kinda just makes me wish this game had Mario Odyssey controls or something similar; a race through a playground set sounds much more intense when everyone has tight controls with plenty of options for momentum. As it stands, this is just a dumb-fun game that is enhanced a bit by playing with friends, but not by much seeing as how there's almost no interaction between your team members while in a game.

This is honestly one of the weirdest games to exist. The game itself is just a run of the mill collection of minigames that all feel kinda the same, but 90% of the cutscenes are just batshit insane and barely feel like they make sense, let alone feel like they belong in Spongebob.

It's got a nice soundtrack tho, gotta give it credit there