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Taking a break from my (evolution of gaming) since im kinda depressed right now.

Fallout New Vegas is a great game, really the whole game is amazing from an rpg standpoint, the gunplay while outated isnt bad, my only real gripe with the game are the endings.
I played every ending and i found all of the kinda underwhelming.
Mr House has an amazing reveal and design but sadly isnt a boss so killing him just feels cheap, i wished the looked more to the Master from Fallout 1 for inspiration.
I also found the hype up for the Platinum Chip and the final use for it just meh.
I liked the hoover dam fight tho especially the speech checks.
The game is full of great writing, companions, side quest(i especially liked vault 34 and 22 btw how do people struggle so much with 22 i found navigating it really easy) etc.
Its just a shame that the end just left me sitting like thats it?
Its probably the fault of time constraints by bethesda.
The DLC range from okay to Amazing.
Honest Hearts 4/10
Joshua Graham and the automatic 45 were its only saving graces for me i just didnt give a damn about the tribes and the story
Old World Blues 9/10
Really adore the humor in this i cried laughing so many times, while first getting introduced to the scientists and debating with my brain were so funny.
Dead Money 7/10
Cool aesthetic, cool story, cool villain, but to short so everything is just kinda good for me but nothing stands out. Wish it had been more of a real heist dlc tbh.
Lonesome Road 10/10
The whole Map/world of this dlc is so much better thant the basegame, The Divide is an amazing to explore and look at place, far better than just walking around a desert.
Ulysses reveal about you delivering the bomb codes that destroyed the divide really gives the courier a great backround and great roleplay possibilities and the endfight with Ulyssses ist probably my favorite part of the whole game really a great Boss(looking at you Mr house)
In the End i liked the yes man ending the most and despite all the bugs and problems the game has its still Amazing.
Obligatory War, War never changes mention.

Flipping heck mun what a lovely game.
Beautiful world, beautiful Story, Beautiful characters, Beautiful Music.
If only the battle system would be better.
Also I love Drippy.

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Everything until Yaldabaoth was Peak but i really hate that you suddenly have to fight a god. Could have been one of my favourite Games if the Game ended After Shido.

Story is consistently okay/good with a couple of great highlights.
Ending is really good.
Gameplay is great.

Beautiful game but too hard for me

Its solid, The story is good the gameplay and maps are tedious.
The game has some unique mechanisms for the fire emblem franchise like dungeons which i dont like but i like the 1 inventory slot and unbreakable weapons and forging.
Also found the characters and support conversations lacking.
Torn between 3 and 3,5 stars for me.

Also the character art is great!

I tried to play it again but the game is just to long.
It has too much content. The game does nothing great and nothing awful.
I never played a game that is more "okay"

It looses a bit of Momentum in act 3, but i still think its a great great game.
I Love Karlach

First off, what an amazing soundtrack.
The game is so immersive. I player trough it in two sessions. Its the perfect length. I dont really have any criticism.
I would say its a game about finding yourselfand choosing your path. All the characters are really great and the writing just enhances everything.