wario looks so god damn edible in this game, like a little jelly baby

It's been so long since I've played something so fresh and charming while still being very familiar. For years I wrote this game off as a beta Link's Awakening, but it's so much more than that. I loved the story, the characters are all fun, and the platforming was actually really fun. It's a short game, but it was as long as it needed to be.

Really though, was in it for my bro Richard, love you man.

Played this on the train to London, I've always loved the original and was super happy to see this childhood dream come to life.

This game has always been kinda weird, the stage themes are random and the sprites look funny, but that's part of the reason I've always liked it. It definitely feels like a Mario game done by the Wario team, which is a great thing in my book.

As for the color hack, they did a good job of realizing the world, but I would be lying if I said it was a perfect touch up. Sometimes coloring an originally mono-chromatic work removes some of the charm, often the case with manga, and sometimes that happens here. That's not really the hackers fault, more just the nature of this sorta thing.

Regardless I think you should play it if you've played the original, and be warned, that final level is still damn tough.

I was on the final level but I got really drunk that night and the game's bright colors caused me to puke all over my DSi.

Great game, especially considering how early in the Gameboy's life it came out. It's not an easy game, but it never felt unforgiving.

My favorite part was the atmosphere, I really like how oppressive yet friendly everything is. The way the melancholic overworld music plays as you wander around the wastelands of hell, running into Lucifer who says you're a bitch, then beating him he thinks you're cool.

Really wanted to like this game, but it's a bit too slow and jankey. The level design is also filled with too many "gotcha!" moments which just made it frustrating. I gave up when Wario's fat ass wouldn't float off of the minecart, and I had lost three of my treasures by that point.

It's a neat look at the turning point between VB Wario Land and Super Mario Land II, though it lacks polish, which ironically is what drew me in initially.

But the level design and lack of QOL from the later games made this hard to play. Maybe I'll come back to it, but gonna move on to Wario Land II for now.

It's a good game, but it wasn't as charming as the first one, can't really put my finger on why. Maybe the OST is a bit weaker, and the game feels a bit shorter than the first one as well. Though this could be because I played it right after beating the first one.

Felt like it was kind of retreading the same ground as the first one, but if you enjoyed the first one, you'll get a kick out of this.

>be Fire Brand
>kill everyone for some magical fruit snacks
>get mugged because you're a manlet
>kill everyone again for some magical fruit snacks
>become a god
>get bored
>throw away the fruit snacks and move to detroit
What did he mean by this?
(fr tho amazing game)

One of the first projects I worked on, learned a lot and met some really good people in the process. So much energy and passion was going around, it's a feeling you can only get when working on a small game like this with an even smaller team. It's hard for me to not be sentimental about it and look at this game objectively, I'll always love the game but seeing the reviews here tell me it's not for everyone lol.

Whether you enjoyed it or not, thanks for playing Super Ledgehop and taking a chance on a random indie game, when you could've bought a McChicken.

This game made me come to the conclusion that I should never have children. Either they will destroy me or I will destroy them. Until I can fuse Jimmy so he becomes Eleking Jimmy then I will resent my hypothetical child forever.

i once ate an entire bottle of flintstones vitamins as a kid and this game managed to reawaken that primal bloodlust which came out of me on that fateful day

Goemon is one of the few Konami franchises I don't have much experience with, this and...Quiz Magic Academy? I don't really know why it's taken me this long to really play this game, I've played it a few times at parties or when messing around with rompacks as a kid, but recently I finally sat down and played the first SNES game. I mostly just wanted to get to the later SNES games, because they've all been translated now and look fantastic, but it didn't feel right to skip this one.

Now, I just want to say, this game is great, very charming and polished, great sprites, music, level design, all of it is proper Konami. However, the last stage on a first playthrough is...I don't want to say brutal or difficult, because it's not that, I was annoyed more than frustrated. My problem was that you have to grind for gold in order to dig yourself out of the prison, grinding wasn't so bad in the earlier stages because there were many ways to go about it. But with this stage, you're forced to go through hoards of enemies, really annoying ones with spreadshot rifles and spears. When you don't have a buddy with you and have lost all of your upgrades, this is a slog. I know this isn't the games' fault, it's a short arcadey game that wants you to replay it with your friends and breeze through it after learning it through your first couple of runs, but man I just want to get to the sequels.

I'll come back to this game later and properly finish it, it was really fun, but there are other Goemon games I'm more interested in.

I bought this game as a kid because the cover was holographic.