I used to run a service back in grade school where I would hack other people's PSPs for like 10 bucks, and I would always put this game on there. I'd just tell them "It's like Mario but with big titty anime demons".

I had no friends for a good 3 to 4 years of my life, and I think I finally figured out why.

You know, the older I get, the more I appreciate the Dragon Quest series. Despite the stories, characters, hell even the battle system not being very complex, the older I am, the more and more I like it. It knows what it is, it understands what a JRPG is made of, and it delivers the highest quality on every front. Sure, it's not as experimental as Final Fantasy or as complex as SMT, but it's not trying to be that. Dragon Quest as a series has always been about mastering what they already had, and experiencing that level of mastery after playing so many RPGs that drop the ball in one or more departments feels so relieving.

It's like eating your grandma's stew after eating takeout for months. The takeout has more variety and can be more exciting, but often lacks a factor X or Y. You're probably eating it by yourself or in a claustrophobic restaurant too. But your grandma's stew came from years of making the same recipe, mastering the process. You know all of the ingredients, but it's so well made and packed with love, it beats out everything else...

...Though that being said, you wouldn't want to eat that hypothetical stew every day, and that's why I tend to play Dragon Quest after it's been a while. It's nice to come back to when the world's getting you down, when you've exhausted yourself with too much psychological stuff, when you need something warm and familiar, but is still engaging and polished.

Anyways, great game, still my favorite Dragon Quest game, if you're Russian and you look like Alena (or Borya, yeah I roll like that too bitch), hmu.

>be Fire Brand
>kill everyone for some magical fruit snacks
>get mugged because you're a manlet
>kill everyone again for some magical fruit snacks
>become a god
>get bored
>throw away the fruit snacks and move to detroit
What did he mean by this?
(fr tho amazing game)

wario looks so god damn edible in this game, like a little jelly baby

This review contains spoilers

The game is fantastic, you already know that, I knew that too, this was my second play through, the last time being when I was about 11-12 years old. I blazed through it at the time, being young, but also because I was going through a huge depression. My mother had pretty bad BPD and was a struggling alcoholic, this wasn't a good combo, especially not for my older brother who was still in highschool at the time. My father wanted to help, but he isn't an emotional person, often struggling to do something and staying in his own web of problems. I played so many games while ditching school, just to get away from it all, but I wasn't even consuming them, just using them as distractions. I enjoyed the MOTHER series, especially the first one, but I knew MOTHER 3 deserved more than what I gave it then.

Fast forward over a decade, my mom passed away 4 years ago, my brother and I have grown up, we're still very close, but we no longer live in the same country. Playing through MOTHER 3 after all that's happened, it made Lucas's journey that much more impactful. My brother was protecting me throughout all of those years, all the times we were struggling, he was fighting to make our lives better, looking after me even when I couldn't see that sometimes. Teaching me how to take care of myself , always treating me with respect, and giving me experiences I couldn't have on my own, like going to the movies every week or driving out to Sacramento. And my father wasn't always available, but he always meant well, doing what he could in his own way. There are times where I felt truly powerless over the fate of my family, especially my mom, but this game reminds me to stay strong. To take hold of the future, and remember the past for the lessons and journeys we went on, not for the "bitter ends".

I struggle to say this for many reasons, but I just wanted to say it here. I love you mom, dad, and you too Roy. Even for all of our differences, I still cherish the life that you all gave me, I wish we could make more memories like the good ones I hold in my heart, but good things can still happen, even when it's just you, dad, and I.

Thanks for reading.

It's been so long since I've played something so fresh and charming while still being very familiar. For years I wrote this game off as a beta Link's Awakening, but it's so much more than that. I loved the story, the characters are all fun, and the platforming was actually really fun. It's a short game, but it was as long as it needed to be.

Really though, was in it for my bro Richard, love you man.

I was on the final level but I got really drunk that night and the game's bright colors caused me to puke all over my DSi.

Great game, especially considering how early in the Gameboy's life it came out. It's not an easy game, but it never felt unforgiving.

My favorite part was the atmosphere, I really like how oppressive yet friendly everything is. The way the melancholic overworld music plays as you wander around the wastelands of hell, running into Lucifer who says you're a bitch, then beating him he thinks you're cool.

Game was okay but it was worth it for the Teensy hitting the gritty during the credits

Really wanted to like this game, but it's a bit too slow and jankey. The level design is also filled with too many "gotcha!" moments which just made it frustrating. I gave up when Wario's fat ass wouldn't float off of the minecart, and I had lost three of my treasures by that point.

It's a neat look at the turning point between VB Wario Land and Super Mario Land II, though it lacks polish, which ironically is what drew me in initially.

But the level design and lack of QOL from the later games made this hard to play. Maybe I'll come back to it, but gonna move on to Wario Land II for now.

Great game, went into it expecting another Park Patrol, but came out of it very impressed. They managed to adapt the Chibi Robo game loop in its entirety to the DS, while adding more than the first game. The first Chibi Robo game was probably the first game I ever stalked in magazines, eventually getting it a few years after it came out. The quirky yet somewhat emotionally grounded story and calming gameplay mixed with the colorful graphics really stuck with me. The game isn't afraid to show a dysfunctional family, they show the highs and the lows, I think that's really special. Clean Sweep has all of that and more, just like the first game, I really related to the story. It was a weird feeling to play the first game when I was a kid like Jenny, and then play Clean Sweep as an adult, made it a lot more personal. The only things that stop this game from being a 5 are the pacing and the OST. The progression can take a while at some points and the music was a bit of a letdown when compared to the first game.

Here's another game I played as a kid, really liked it, but put it down because I found it a bit overwhelming. But coming back to it as an adult, it's much, much easier, which isn't a bad thing. I think that the way the game describes its mechanics sometimes can make them a little more confusing than they actually are, which is probably my only gripe with the game. The art direction is practically unparalleled, it's hard to think of another platformer from the time that was this stylised without sacrificing anything. I also think the way this game deals with mental illness and trauma is really commendable, there were some pretty serious topics here, and they managed to have fun all while recognizing the real world implications they have. I'll be very impressed if the sequel can live up to this one

Goemon is one of the few Konami franchises I don't have much experience with, this and...Quiz Magic Academy? I don't really know why it's taken me this long to really play this game, I've played it a few times at parties or when messing around with rompacks as a kid, but recently I finally sat down and played the first SNES game. I mostly just wanted to get to the later SNES games, because they've all been translated now and look fantastic, but it didn't feel right to skip this one.

Now, I just want to say, this game is great, very charming and polished, great sprites, music, level design, all of it is proper Konami. However, the last stage on a first playthrough is...I don't want to say brutal or difficult, because it's not that, I was annoyed more than frustrated. My problem was that you have to grind for gold in order to dig yourself out of the prison, grinding wasn't so bad in the earlier stages because there were many ways to go about it. But with this stage, you're forced to go through hoards of enemies, really annoying ones with spreadshot rifles and spears. When you don't have a buddy with you and have lost all of your upgrades, this is a slog. I know this isn't the games' fault, it's a short arcadey game that wants you to replay it with your friends and breeze through it after learning it through your first couple of runs, but man I just want to get to the sequels.

I'll come back to this game later and properly finish it, it was really fun, but there are other Goemon games I'm more interested in.

This game made me come to the conclusion that I should never have children. Either they will destroy me or I will destroy them. Until I can fuse Jimmy so he becomes Eleking Jimmy then I will resent my hypothetical child forever.

i once ate an entire bottle of flintstones vitamins as a kid and this game managed to reawaken that primal bloodlust which came out of me on that fateful day