352 Reviews liked by NeonNyoon

So I replayed KH2 because fans are always clamoring about how you haven't really beaten the game until you've played it on critical, and I'm not kidding when I say that my favorite part of the experience was going through the Winnie the Pooh minigames I skipped the first time around

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Better than KH2 in every single way besides the story. One of the most fun combat systems locked behind a lot of shitty grinding and filler. End game content is pretty fun though so its worth the grind in my opinion.

A welcoming switch-up in gameplay. Gives me a reason to actually use cars in solos. Game practically turns into Twisted Metal when there's only 10 people left.

when i was 14 I accidentally clicked "save state" instead of "load state" and got sent from the final world with final form unlocked, all the way to fucking JACK SKELLINGTON WORLD and i never have forgiven this game. Even though it was my fault. Fuck Tim Burton and fuck Kingdom Hearts 2.

"Mom, can we have Call of Duty?"
"We have Call of Duty at the orphanage and your mother is dead, Jimmy."

I saw the Twitter drama about this game, and while it's not exactly the best out there, it's still pretty awesome.

Story: 3.5/5 - Don't know why, but this game has some hilarious writing (or maybe it's just my childish sense of humor?). The story itself ain't too shabby.

Graphics: 4/5 - I just like how the characters are drawn. If you're not into it, no big deal.

Gameplay: 2.5/5 - It gets kinda boring sometimes; you just need to be in the right mood to play it.

0.5 to the final score just 'cause this game really ticks off Twitter, also the dev is awesome.
Final Score: 4/5

the best community made megaman game hands down. the servers are hella fun and the community rules ily 8bdm

This game has so many interesting mechanics and so much stuff that are very impressive for a gameplay loop that wants you to play a movie.

More money should have been spent into those gameplay mechanics instead of realism that very few people will notice. The game already looks realistic enough, the few details that cost so much weren't needed.

Half the games on here are good half of them suck I mean Roblox is just a mixed bag.

Cris Tales is a gorgeous game with interesting mechanics and excellent character designs. On the other hand, it's unbalanced, drags on too long and just features a lot of downtime. The dungeons are boring hallways with no good loot. The bosses are horrible.

However it's charming and pretty so it shouldn't be totally forgotten.

I really prefer this over Minecraft. I like how you progress in this more and the combat activates every single one of my neurons. I don't care about sandbox elements that much compared to a incredibly varied world filled with crazy stuff to find. It also has a shitzillion fun bosses and is absurdly fun with friends. Journey mode was a great addition that makes playthroughs essentially stress free and multiplayer and modding are all peak.

Probably one of my favorite games of all time, despite not playing as much anymore. I have so many good memories of sinking hundreds of hours into worlds and beating the game, definitely high up on my list

Played this for eight hours non-stop when I first got it, so points for that. I would have liked the weapon variety to be more condensed, the roulette system in this game doesn't work the best with the 100 or so items at play. They're all easy enough to use, but if you're going to have buffs for each of them, make each one of them memorable. The runes didn't really add anything meaningful to the levels. There is no reinforcement to progress when it feels like the time to pass through an area doesn't shrink at all. It's hard to jump back in when I can't even remember my specific playstyle. I also refuse to turn on Assist Mode.

Wow, did a playthrough for youtube and spent 99% of it regretting everything. What an absolute travesty, funny though.