One of the few games I'm glad I went for platinum, or else the score would have been slightly lower. The game gets better and more challenging bit by bit, there isn't really a part where I can say "This game starts for real here", no, progression is smooth, and there isn't a difficult spike unless you explore the areas out of order. I thought the difficulty was overrated and it kinda is, it feels slightly above average for the most part (since you also get better bit by bit), but as I said, it gets harder and better over time, and when you get closer and closer to the end or even better, closer to getting the Platinum/all achievements/100%/whatever, oh boy... You're gonna have your ass kicked in a good way. Absolute greatness.

I don't even know why I love this game

Thought the game was overhated, but I was so wrong. This is simply boring and generic, nothing else. Thanks to this game, it made the Guardians of the Galaxy game underrated, play that one instead


Anything could have been better, anything could have been worse, but in the end, the good beats the bad, despite me having no heart and no friends

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Lumine is a guy.
But wait, do robots... eh forget it

My first Mega Man game. I was like 4 or something, I used to love it but this is worse than I remember, unfortunately. One extra half a star for nostalgia

If I say what I think, I'll be suspended for 6 months

The Basic:

Fun platform, when you find the right games, except a person who wants to give it a try for the first time, will have to deal with 90% of the front page being bombarded with shitty/uninteresting games that leave a bad taste in people's mouths, because 9 year olds would rather give popularity to some Sonic.exe game and I'm here crying because one of my favorite Roblox games only got 2 chapters, since 1 people a-day were playing it. You can find some hidden gems if you're willing to spend time trying every game that pops up and looks interesting or if you follow devs on Youtube, Reddit, or Twitter, or follow people who recommend games that actually feel like games and not a TikTok simulator, since Roblox doesn't have the greatest search system with tags, filters, etc, you can search for a random word and most of the games that appear aren't even games, just a map with nothing to do that are just there to consume space and waste your time.

If you have a lot of games to play, I wouldn't recommend it, because finding interesting games take time due to 9 year olds not caring about good Roblox games. I barely play Roblox games myself due to the number of backlogged games I have, but if you have time, patience, or not a lot of games to play, you can try it.

Additional info:

I would recommend games like Entry Point, Adventure Forward 2, the upcoming Stars Align, In Plain Sight 2, RBLxware, Running From the Internet, and pretty much any FPS that has a decent amount of players since it's the best genre in the platform,
It all depends on your taste towards those games, you can be the biggest Roblox hater in history, and there will always be at least one game that suits you, but you will probably never know about it.
Also, the moderation and updates are around the same level as Youtube, Twitch, and Twitter. What surprises me is that those 4 platforms are not made by the same people, a lot of updates changing or adding useless features and removing good ones, tags are quite annoying but you get used to them over time, and a bunch of the decent and popular games play the same as a non-Roblox game but slightly downgraded and with very few differences or innovation, Typical Colors is decent but it's just TF2 on Roblox, same for Counter Blox. But you also have games that take inspiration and try something different, like how Running From the Internet took inspiration from those Gmod next-bot modes or whatever, then actually tried something different, or you have games that copy other games but do it differently so it's technically not a copy? idk, like Despicable Forces which is just Sonic Forces but better, or Pyrite Adventure 2 which is Sonic Adventure but with different level design despite using the same level environments.

Devs also apparently get paid around 20% of the Robux a player spends in their games which is why so many people play safe and make a boring and effortless game that gets more players than an actual good game that usually takes years to make + games that were abandoned by it's devs can break due to updates for Roblox Studio.

depends on how you approach, front page games alone are a 3/10 most of the time, hidden gems are like a 7 or 8 depending on the game. Overall it's what I said above, mainly the first part of this review, it's around a 6 if you only care about the games like I do (and don't give a shit about the community and other things outside of the games), but it can depend on which games you enjoy.

Oh, and old Roblox is overrated

[edited cuz 3 book pages aren't worth it for this game]. Imagine a 20 people free-for-all in your house except 3x smaller and maybe fewer walls. That's what the maps in this game feel like

Game updates pretty constantly compared to other games and that's the reason why it's still alive. Never felt bad to me, just like Minecraft we all stop playing and come back. New fort is as fun as OG, and I play since season 1, I just don't have blinded nostalgia.

Cool, but God said: Drum Shotgun

Late review but as someone who liked the Zero games, this one simply sucks.
It's not even the garbage map system, it's how they managed to add the "X" to "Z" and take it seriously. In the Zero games, the Buster and Saber were pretty well balanced, the Saber was better but that was the focus, in this game it feels like they deal nearly the same damage (outside of bosses), you could either go for Saber and take damage to every single enemy, or the Buster which I don't remember a single enemy surviving a charge shot from it, but you don't need to charge, nah, 99% of the enemies die in 1 to 3 hits, and most of the areas feel like corridors, so you can just walk forward and spam the buster 90% of the time like it's X7 and you will rarely get hit, some spots here and there where the saber is good, but very few. Model H is overrated unless you're a speedrunner, good luck trying to not get hit because you flew too fast, high, or far, ZX is the best one for melee combat because it attacks much quicker than any other Model, H's attacks feel too slow, that combo doesn't matter if every enemy can hit you while you do it or die in the first swing while you do it, and the distance sucks too, I would rather use model L because that one got better attack range, or even better; Model P because it has ranged attacks, and just like the buster, you can watch everything die. The areas in this game do get progressively more challenging and better over time but it just goes from terrible to below average, Area O was the only one I had fun with. What saves this game from being terrible to just bad, are the bosses, most of them are very great (the final boss is not one of them, so don't be excited), though Model ZX is the best Model to use against them because of faster Saber swings, unless you want to use the weakness. But somehow it feels like the people who made the bosses and Minibosses are completely different, the Minibosses gotta be the one of worst I ever seen in a Video Game, you can stay in one spot and slowly but easily kill them, none of them are above terrible, they're all garbage and tedious. The music in this game is quite good and so are the visuals and charm; also that one secret boss (which I don't want to spoil its name) does what secret bosses should do, they wreck your ass until you beat them, except you only get a reward for it after beating the game... Simply stupid... Especially that they think I'll keep playing this game with it