Please give Hitman 4. I want more of this series so so much. These games are excellent, goofy and lovable AF.

The whole franchise is hilarious and amazing. So worth playing, but probably my least favourite in the series. Still excellent.

The freshest take on Pokemon in a while and it works so well! It keeps a lot of what makes Pokemon great, but innovates a lot of the slower parts to create a fantastic game. Legends is stunted by being on the Switch, and being developed by a team that seem to only churn out chunky looking, glitchy messes. This is however, still fun.

I expected a stuffy third person shooter. I was met with one of the funniest games I've ever experienced. The whole franchise are bangers, this is my favourite of the three.

Luke's first ever game! It doesn't hold up well, but it still has some charm. A lot of moon logic, but with patience and a lot of trial and error, you can figure out the way through the game.

It's everything that's wrong with frustrating control games. There's some enjoyable streamability to the game, but I wouldn't recommend it to most. Casual gamers should steer clear unless this is a genre you enjoy.

An underrated point'n'click game. It's really funny, most the puzzles are very satisfying. It does suffer from some moon-logic here and there, but still highly playable for fans of the genre.

As a part of the Kingdom Hearts franchise, it's still an enjoyable experience that fans should play. However, the card game mechanics are hit or miss, I still enjoy a lot of the combat. I wish that the traversal mechanics were more enjoyable. Overall, clunky but enjoyable

The parts of the game that are Pokemon are still Pokemon, and ultimately that formula still works. However, this is a piss poor remake. Pokemon DPP had issues that BDSP could have addressed, but instead we got the laziest example of a remake. It was rife with glitches, it lacks a lot of QOL from modern Pokemon games and there's no world where I would recommend buying BDSP over just emulating Diamond.

The only 'fault' with Unpacking is that its short. Otherwise, it's a wonderfully charming, relaxing and super unique game. The game is a really lovely experience, that manages to tell a nearly wordless story so beautifully and effectively. Those that know about the degree know what I mean. I think nearly everyone would enjoy Unpacking.

Okay. Does this game deserve a 4/5, no. Has Balan become a part of my personality enough that I feel like I have to rank it highly or it reflects poorly on myself? Yes. It's bad, but honestly it has charm, there's a game with potential somewhere beneath the very VERY crusty surface.

Surprisingly fun and competent PS1 platformer. The game was fun, with some pretty enjoyable minigames and honestly nothing really to complain about. A tad clunky and very easy given it's a kids game, but not really to its detriment.

So close to being a perfect Castlevania experience. It's still excellent, and everything you desire from a Castlevania game. However, sometimes figuring out where to go is a tad confusing, and getting the true ending is a tad annoying. Still worth playing.


A fun co-op mess, with adorable wee birbs. There's a real split between level styles, some are really great and others are really awful. It's worth a play for couples and such, but there are better games (phogs)