This game is physically painful to play, which is very postmodern but also bad game design.

This game is mid. Not as good as Nier Automata but not as bad as Drakengard. It's also not funny.

It was perfect. Down to the last detail. Perfect.

It's kind of bad, but it's still DMC with the best combat in the series

It's almost perfect but it feels too easy

Amazing story. Fine enough battles. Janky everything else

It's like Metal Gear Solid V for kids. Changes to the battle system make for a fun singleplayer experience.

It's fun to play but the game feels like a step down from Sunshine

1.5 stars deducted from this perfect game for being drastically undercooked.

"We have Armored Core on Switch"
Armored Core on Switch:

Points deducted from this perfect game for running at the same framerate as Armored Core (1997)

This is the greatest 3/5 game ever made

Half a point deducted for having a terrible world map