Recommended Oddities

Exploration games, abstract experiences, unique, experimental, surreal, off-beat, left-field, and arthouse stuff. Or, occasionally, normal games with a touch of weird in them. All with at least a light recommendation from yours truly! A good variety of genres in here. This list will continue to grow.

Newest additions (entries cleared after about one month or when I get to it):

A Yume Nikki fan game with a somewhat darker presentation. It's fairly small, and development was abandoned in favor of new projects, but still worth looking into.
A typing game in which players must carry out the punishments dealt to various figures in ancient Greek mythology. There is no winning here.
Take on the Trial of Lizards by lighting all four beacons in the void.
Players are provided with a couple televisions and a massive stack of VHS tapes, which they can play in any combination to receive a guest.
Surreal exploration game about a girl trying to escape the mental torment of her abusive father. Extremely bleak. Would eventually get two sequel RPGs: LISA the Painful and LISA the Joyful. Only LISA the First is on here, but I highly recommend all three to those who can handle their themes.
Human corporations cultivate worlds to assess their lifeforms for useful applications. As a camera-equipped scout working for one of these corporations, track down strange alien creatures so your bosses can determine their fate. Lovely low-poly PS1-esque open world exploration mixed with a bit of low-key monster hunting. Really enjoyed the environment in this one, and it's fairly short, so it doesn't outstay its welcome.
A sandbox that lets you do exactly what it says in the title. You also have dynamite, can change the structural makeup of the towers you spawn, and can control wind and gravity strengths.
Small exploration game in which various procedurally-generated art galleries can be perused.
Exploration game with progression through themed levels and some interactivity.
Explore procedurally generated worlds as a bird that can take on the forms of other animals you touch. Pretty chill, with some interesting customization options and multiple biomes to choose from.
Abstract and colorful exploration game. A lot of variations on just a few environments, but the visuals are brilliant. Compatible with Oculus Rift and, when beta is enabled, SteamVR and Vive.
A short game about crowds and their behaviors.
An AI named Bit needs help from the player to create the perfect procedurally-generated world. Using your feedback, Bit will create semi-random low-poly environments for you to explore as they move closer to their goal. Short and sweet.
A small, mostly lighthearted exploration game in a blobbish environment with a couple blobbish people in it. The motion blur is pretty intense (seemingly on purpose) but the sound design and overall aesthetic are really good.
The always acid-frazzled Timothy Leary has a DOS "video game" that's actually more of a psychoanalysis tool and it's about as weird as you'd think. Probably the least accessible thing on this list.
Help a troop of mice scout out the surrounding area as they seem to dwindle in number each day. From the person that brought you Space Funeral! Not an RPG, though.
A collection of ambient exploration games by colorfiction, all of which are at least lightly recommended, though æ stands out as my favorite.
Super-short visual novel in which players interact with long-forgotten entities within a very old and corrupted game. Presentation is perfect and evocative.
Social MMO in which players build museums wall by wall, floor by floor, art by art. As curators, players will receive art recommendations based on their apparent preferences.
Very abstract exploration game. Nice colors.
A simple game in which the player is tasked with cross-breeding plants on an alien world. There's no goal, so it's really up to the player to make their own fun, trying to get interesting new plants to sprout from their little experiments. It strikes a chill, cozy vibe without being twee about it.
Yume Nikki fan game about Spencer, who begins to explore a long-abandoned MMO. No longer being developed, but still worthwhile.
Auto runner with strange dialogue and a vaporwave/synthwave aesthetic.
Walk along the beach as a fire-breathing seagull.
A short exploration game developed for an challenge where developers kept their games' lengths over ten minutes and their file sizes under 1.44 MB. Excellent presentation with a lovely limited palette. World and character designs stand out. Peaceful, calm vibes all around.


2 years ago

Tales From Off Peak City, maybe?

2 years ago

Looks like it'd fit in, but I haven't played it. I think Jacob Geller touched on this game in one of his vids, or maybe it was another from this dev? Looks neat, though.
Post Void for sure, seems tailor made for this set. I guess Cruelty Squad as well, if it qualifies.

2 years ago

Oh, Post Void looks really cool! And yeah, I'm sure Cruelty Squad would fit right in here, I just haven't played it yet. It's been sitting on the backlog for a while but I'm waiting until I'm in the mood for it

2 years ago

May I recommend some platformers?

The first one is a classic: Jet Set Willy for the ZX Spectrum. Arguably one of the creators of the collectathon genre; inarguably odd and surreal.

The second one is Closure. A puzzle platformer with a great sense of style and atmosphere.

Finally, Birdsong, a short metroidvania that with, uh, unique approach to mapping.

1 month ago

Such a neat, well put together list! There's so much to look at here.
Gonna have to check out more of your lists.

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