Recommended Oddities

Exploration games, abstract experiences, unique, experimental, surreal, off-beat, left-field, and arthouse stuff. Or, occasionally, normal games with a touch of weird in them. All with at least a light recommendation from yours truly! A good variety of genres in here. This list will continue to grow.

Newest additions (entries cleared after about one month or when I get to it):

Destroy objects that seem out of place. They are parasites. Remove them.
Created for LSDJAM 2020, Hypnagogia 催眠術 is a PS1-styled adventure game with light platforming in which one must journey through a series of dreams, performing quests and finding the dream crystal in each of them.
A collection of ambient exploration games by colorfiction, all of which are at least lightly recommended, though æ stands out as my favorite.
An individual goes fishing for their grandmother's bones, ruminating on the end of her life.
An AI named Bit needs help from the player to create the perfect procedurally-generated world. Using your feedback, Bit will create semi-random low-poly environments for you to explore as they move closer to their goal. Short and sweet.
Drive through the HyperLight Void, an infinite pitch black field, with your motorcycle that leaves behind a trail of color you can use to decorate the plane. The game tunes you into a lo-fi beats station right away, though you have the option to enter an online radio station's address of your own choosing. And that's pretty much it—this game runs entirely on vibes.
A short exploration game developed for an challenge where developers kept their games' lengths over ten minutes and their file sizes under 1.44 MB. Excellent presentation with a lovely limited palette. World and character designs stand out. Peaceful, calm vibes all around.
Explore a damaged, dead computer world as a virtual pet.
Take on the Trial of Lizards by lighting all four beacons in the void.
Shortly after the events of the first Psychonauts game, and immediately after the events of (the optional) Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin, Raz finds himself caught up in a conspiracy regarding an unknown traitor in the midst of the Psychonauts's headquarters: The Motherlobe. Released ~15 years after the first game, Psychonauts 2 is a miracle. It successfully captures the tone and heart of the first game, demonstrating a deep understanding of what made it special to a lot of people. Just as special (and weird!) as the first game.
Surreal adventure game starring Isabelline Fallow, the memories she holds, and the dying world she wanders through.
Exploration game set in a desolate but clean complex in a grayscale world. The building comes off as a sort of nearly-empty museum, with some rooms emptier than others. The setting seems to concern itself more with the rooms themselves than the objects within them—in a sense, it feels like a game about architecture. Hits a very specific vibe that I like, but one that some may find bland.
After attempting to drive through a snowstorm, a woman finds a strange apartment building full of twisted versions of her cherished memories, and the only other person in the building appears to be a strange but kind child that keeps following her around.
Surrealist Yume Nikki fan game. Unfortunately, it wasn't translated yet when I tried to play it. This normally wouldn't matter for a YNFG, but it was very dialog and puzzle heavy. I understand that it has a translation now, and will have to check it out again soon.
As a soothsayer capable of imparting wisdom gifted from the constellations, players must help guide troubled individuals from a nearby tribe. However, they may not always interpret the stars' meanings in the same way players do, and stakes begin to rise as the tribe does what it can to survive through increasingly troubling times.
Exploration game featuring the music of Radiohead's Kid A and Amnesiac albums, as well as visuals from and inspired by them.
A '90s point-and-click cult classic, translated and remastered for mobile devices. Take the role of a robot fished up from the sewage of a rickety town full of other robots, and discover the dark secrets behind the world of Garage. Very captivating, tackling lots of deep topics while managing to frame them in an easy to understand and very literal way. Navigating the world is a dizzying experience at first, but the game as a whole is surprisingly accessible for being both a surrealist art piece and a '90s adventure game.
You're a sardine, and you're faced with a choice: up, or down? And will you stick to your guns?
Absurdist visual novel with plastic-y 3D graphics about an elf princess named Dam telling a fellow elf about her attempts to find an elftopia. In her adventures, she's aided by Roland the BraveCat, who seems half-intent on confessing his love to her and half-intent on eating her. It's got a weird logic-based "battle" system of sorts and the writing is chock-full of 2010s-era Internet-isms, but the charm is undeniable. Brimming with creativity and actually has a couple heartfelt moments towards the back half.
Binky stuck in Labyrinthe.
Slightly off-beat exploration game with light platforming elements about leaving the sparse and brutalist environment of BABBDI.
Yume Nikki fan game in which a lost pistol must be returned. Still very early in development, but certainly worth keeping an eye out for—with a completely unique, grain-heavy, color-blasted aesthetic that sears the back of the brain and overwhelms the senses. A revitalizing experience for those looking for something fresh in their YNFGs.
Stuck in a looping corridor, players must find Exit 8 by turning back around every time they come across an "anomaly."
A fan-made PC version of LSD, currently in-development. Impressive so far.
Small exploration game in which various procedurally-generated art galleries can be perused.


2 years ago

Tales From Off Peak City, maybe?

2 years ago

Looks like it'd fit in, but I haven't played it. I think Jacob Geller touched on this game in one of his vids, or maybe it was another from this dev? Looks neat, though.
Post Void for sure, seems tailor made for this set. I guess Cruelty Squad as well, if it qualifies.

2 years ago

Oh, Post Void looks really cool! And yeah, I'm sure Cruelty Squad would fit right in here, I just haven't played it yet. It's been sitting on the backlog for a while but I'm waiting until I'm in the mood for it

2 years ago

May I recommend some platformers?

The first one is a classic: Jet Set Willy for the ZX Spectrum. Arguably one of the creators of the collectathon genre; inarguably odd and surreal.

The second one is Closure. A puzzle platformer with a great sense of style and atmosphere.

Finally, Birdsong, a short metroidvania that with, uh, unique approach to mapping.

2 months ago

Such a neat, well put together list! There's so much to look at here.
Gonna have to check out more of your lists.

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