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In terms of gameplay, I’d say part 2 is better since you play as Elizabeth and there’s a huge focus around stealth but at the same time the gameplay kind of pointlessly nerfs you when you’re not hidden.

For example, your guns magically do x5 more damage when you’re hidden but as soon as you’re in a normal gun fight, you shoot nerf darts no matter what gun. The stealth is kind of clunky and exploitable but it can be engaging.

My biggest issue was the story and how they shoehorned taking away Elizabeth’s powers to make her playable and not op, making Daisy Fitzroy have less power and seem like a better person than she is and also retconning all the shit from Bioshock 1 and implying Elizabeth set everything into motion in Bioshock 1. It kind of ruins a lot of the context of Bioshock 1. Slightly better than part 1 but it's still pretty ass.

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Story wise this part makes sense, as it piggyback rides off the end of Infinite but gameplay wise this was a mess.

For one, it was super glitchy. I got soft locked out of certain areas several times when I tried exploring. When I picked up a new gun, the game would delete the old one I had, hard locking me into choosing guns that I picked up.

In terms of good things, the story seems so far to be giving more context to the ending of Infinite, the Rangefinder gun is really cool but OP as shit, Elizabeth’s new design in Burial at Sea is a 10/10 (I want to marry her) and like the base game, the environments and art direction is beautiful with Rapture being perfectly recreated.

Besides that, there isn’t much Burial at Sea really has going for it.

They tried making the gameplay more like the original Bioshock games by giving you small ammo pools and lower health and also making it so you can hold more than two guns.

By the way, this is a big problem I had. I’ve played through this DLC twice now and only now did I realize that you can carry multiple guns because the game never tells you that it's an added feature in the DLC. I found out by looking at a joke review on steam of a guy saying “Booker can fit more than two guns in his trousers.” and I got so confused.

The dumb thing is that with the base game, you get so accustomed to just using the mouse wheel to switch since it's a two weapon limit anyway so it would be safe to assume the DLC wouldn’t change anything since it says literally NOTHING to tell you that you can hold multiple guns.

Anyway, The gameplay was pretty difficult for the first hour or so because of the small ammo pool and health but as soon as Elizabeth starts giving you tears, it's still harder than base infinite but it pretty much goes back to easy mode again even in 1999 difficulty.

Burial at Sea suffered from almost all the same issues of the level design being too linear and suffocating and not rewarding the player very well for exploring.

On top of that, I ran into so many glitches. At one point, the game would spawn splicers directly in front of me and they’d appear out of thin air, I got stuck in an area where the airlock door would endlessly spin, when I looted, I could only collect all items and I couldn’t collect specific items like the base game and for some reason, pressing “E” while looting would switch my weapons.

Probably the biggest issue of all is the fact that this DLC is around 2 hours long AT MOST! You can easily beat the whole thing in one sitting and I was playing 1999 Mode!

Very disappointing, even more so than the base game. I hope Part 2 adds more onto this but I doubt it will. Also, you only fight one Big Daddy fight at the very end and it's okay I guess. I like how he can use his drill to hook you in, it makes it more challenging but still pretty eh.

Revisiting this game and playing through it on the supposedly insanely hard 1999 mode was really interesting.

This game is very frustrating to me because there are so many elements to it that I love like how nice the guns feel, the beautiful artstyle and world, Columbia conceptually and its inner politics and how Comstock and Fitzroy and not so different when it comes to the fate of the city is super cool to me too. On top of that, there were also a lot of great CONCEPTS that were set up like Songbird and Elizabeth’s story but a lot of stuff falls flat because of the game’s complicated development.

I think gameplay wise the game is still fun but even on 1999, I only died a few times with the exception of parts with the dumbass Lady Comstock ghost enemies (FUCK THAT ENEMY). The two weapon limit is so bad too because you miss out on so many weapons in the sandbox because of already upgraded weapons you have that appear more often than the more unique ones like almost all the Vox weapons. The guns are too powerful too and they basically make the vigors more useless than they already are with the exception of Buckin’ Bronco and Possession.

The ending of Infinite is corny as hell too. The multiverse stuff is something that I never really enjoy in media and I think it's not nearly as strong or interesting as the other two Bioshock games with their endings.

I still had fun with the game but holy shit is it disappointing. I thought Bioshock 2 was the worst Bioshock game when I was younger but it is definitely Infinite with how dumbed down and underdeveloped the game is in terms of both story and gameplay.

I really loved Vice City, the game was fun as hell and super memorable. My biggest complaints are mostly two things.

The first thing is that the game has a lot of very aged mechanics that become a pain in the ass to deal with beyond the bad combat. One example is how you lose all your guns when you die and then you have to restart the entire mission. At that point you’re better off just loading a previous save.

On top of that, I didn’t mind the idea of having to go to certain areas of the game to save, but it just becomes pretty monotonous later on in the game, alongside having to constantly rebuy armor.

The second thing is that around the final quarter or so of the game and some missions even before that, the missions get really stupid and gimmicky where you have to do a bunch of stupid shit and it's amusing at first but eventually it gets very tiring and annoying. I love almost everything else about this game besides that though.

This games atmosphere and vibes are incredible, I love the characters, writing and goofyness of the game, the radio is fucking amazing and in general I love how arcadey and flashy this game is compared to later GTA games, its very refreshing and a ton of fun.

Violet was a pretty enjoyable game and it definitely got me excited to play more Pokémon games.

I liked the open world mechanics in the game but what bogs down the game a lot for me is the bland and ugly environment/world and the horrid frame rate.

Some of the characters like Nemona and Arven I really appreciated near the end of the game for their writing and maybe even some of the gym leaders were kind of cool but overall the story wasn’t anything great.

As I was playing previous Switch Pokémon titles like Arceus and Sword, I noticed a lot of cool mechanics that those games added that simply are completely absent in Violet and I can’t really overlook that either.

The game was still overall very enjoyable and fun though.

Mid. Some of the Justin Roiland humor was kinda funny but most of it was not or it was funny ironically. The metroidvania aspect of the game is interesting and so is the sandbox too but the game has little to no replay value and it's very linear. The game would be very dull and lame if it weren’t for the humor and aesthetic. Zach Hadel also made this game better just by hearing his voice.


I lied. :)

This game is awesome. The enemies and environments are super creative, most of the boss fights are really fun too. Some stuff in this game obviously shows its age like how spongy some enemies can be. Also, the constant GoW style quick time events are a bit annoying too but it really doesn't take too much away from the overall experience.

This game is dope as hell on switch because of the 60 FPS, higher resolution and the gyro support. It’s interesting how the PS2/Wii/PSP version of Force unleashed has totally different levels and areas than the 360/PC version.

If I were to play the game again, I’d probably rank the 360/PC version differently than the Switch version because of that.

I think Starfield is pretty disappointing and lackluster, even by BGS standards.

The ship system was kind of interesting at first but it felt more like an obstacle than a feature that the game was built upon.

The sheer amount of fucking loading screens in this game is insane and even though they aren’t super long with an SSD they become really annoying fast.

Alongside that, there’s a lot of features that were nice that Fallout 4 had that this game is missing that would’ve helped a lot like being able to scrap any junk you see as well as the new building system feeling like a total downgrade and also how there's a million different materials and they all way too much.

The XP values in this game make no sense either, like I’ll kill a small slug creature on some random ass planet and get 80 XP because it happens to be a higher level but you only get 50 XP by lockpicking a MASTER DIGIPICK in this game where the lockpicking game is drastically more time consuming and actually requires thought. There’s a lot of different examples of XP values being bad too.

The perks seem pretty dumb a lot of the time too, having to artificially unlock the ability to slide or pickpocket is dumb and something that no other Bethesda game tried to do.

I thought the companions were pretty weak in this game too, especially compared to Fallout 4 they seemed very uninteresting and similar especially since they’re all from Constellation. Just like in Fallout 3, the game does everything in its power to make you not want to be a bad guy because there is absolutely no reason to be besides roleplaying sake.

I definitely like Fallout 4 and Skyrim way more and even though I do have a much bigger emotional attachment to those games, I genuinely feel like both those games have much better game flow, lore and general immersion/enjoyment than Starfield does.