This game feels like an honest ramble from a drunk person. Sure, it doesn't make much sense, but damn you can feel the heart behind every word.

It has like 5 plot-twists. There are tropes around every corner. It breaks the fourth wall constantly. It is so stuffed full of ideas about politics, philosphy and what it means to make an impact. All these things don't really come together into something coherent, but they give you a vivid picture of the thoughts and worries of those who made this game. Beautiful

Really clever Metroidvania with a unique style and really neat tools. Each area of the map is a joy to explore and figure out.

A warning though: I don't recommend delving into the post-game.
The game got really aimless for me at this point especially since it doesn't differentiate between puzzles that are needed for progression and puzzles that are really difficult secrets for the community to figure out. That said if you really enjoy some cryptic puzzles à la FEZ then go ahead, there's plenty to do.

There is lots to love here like the artsytle and the crypitc storytelling. The whole game feels like a modern continuation of Zelda 1 in a bleak yet beautiful world.

But I want to talk about that soundtrack which in my opinion should be in discussion for the best videogame soundtrack ever. It is not great because you can hum along to a melody or because it feels grand and adventurous. No, this soundtrack is dry and dreary yet beautiful. It beats you down with droning and sharp synths but just like the world of Hyper Light Drifter it still finds little moments to break the sadness. Maybe a little melody floats along and leaves just as suddenly. Or out of the droning ambiance a real guitar sound emerges for just a moment. But then you enter a fight and the droning becomes sharp and rumbling again. It is not a soundtrack where a specific song will stay with you but the mood certainly will.

A great metroidvania. The movement feels amazing and it has some really creative abilities that are used in fun ways. The boss fights are all excellent and a sight to behold.

That said the story and world design could have been more thought out and it is still somewhat buggy.

This game doesn't have the vibe and the somber writing of the old pikmin games which is disappointing. The characters and story are also quite bland. But damn if it doesn't nail everything else.

The moment-to-moment gameplay is snappier and more streamlined compared to the other games. This makes it lack some challenge but it also enables it to focus on more interesting aspects like organizing and time-management. You dart around the map and juggle 5 different goals at the same time yet it doesn't become exhausting because the caves and mini-challenges give you a little break where you can focus on just one aspect of the gameplay. The dandori-challenges are immensely satisfying to replay and find little optimizations.

Then when you think the game is winding down it hits you with that amazing post-game.

Peakmin 4

It's great to finally see a indie soulslike that is very well made and gets some hype on release. The passion that went into this game is obvious every step of the way, from the humor, the references and the character designs. The gameplay isn't groundbreaking, but it feels great. The best part of this game is easily the visual design especially with all the creative uses of trash. The cavalry-lobster with the cup-lid and straw combo as a rapier was a definitive highlight. The level design was also neat, it opens up quite a lot thanks to movement techniques like a glide and a grappling hook.

There are some minor flaws though. Enemy variety is a little lacking. While the shell system is really cool, it is also quite easily broken with shell-insurance. Once you get a good shell with a lot of health you can get it back at every checkpoint for your back AND your hammer. This means that after one third of the game you rarely have to switch your shell on the fly and many enemies get trivialised.
The story also ends up on a rather confused note. It deals with a lot of interesting ideas like capitalism, complacency and rage against the system but imo it didn't manage to tie those together in the end.

All in all really cool soulslike, the industry needs more games like this.

As someone who loved the first game it is quite frustrating to like this grand new reimagening quite a lot less. While the first one had the foundation of something fantastic it was still a flawed experience. DD2 still has this same foundation but builds an arguably worse structure on top of it.

The story is a weird mix of a retread and a continuation of the first that I doubt would make much sense to a newcomer to the series. Every plotline that isn't directly tied to the dragon is superfluous and while the parts that deal with the cycle are interesting they are told very unintuitively. This game's script very much seems like it made more sense in japanese but the translation didn't quite work.

Combat feels a lot slower than the first game which isn't inherently bad. The actions you take in combat all feel chunky and deliberate. But sadly it also simplifies most vocations by a lot so you have less decisions to make in combat (DD1 magic archer my beloved :( ). Enemy variety is also really lacking.

The world feels big and is quite the sight to behold. Wandering around and exploring at night feel just as engaging as the first game. The amount of enemies around was quite annoying though, you could barely walk two steps without stumbling into an encounter. For me that meant that exploring was a lot of running past enemies to get anywhere. The bigger problem with the world is, that there is very little to find when wandering. Sure the first game also did this, but there you were guided to most important locations by interesting quests. Here there is a whole village hidden at the corner of the map that has no connection to the rest of the world and also barely any content.

I don't hate this game, it has many great aspects like the greatly improved pawns, the depiction of different fantasy cultures and the really cool post-game. But at the end of the day this seems like an ambitious project that was left half baked. With some luck it may get a DLC at the level of Dark Arisen that fixes some of my problems.

Neat little game with great movement. Sadly it doesn't quite hit it its stride till the end. Probably would be better if it just focused on the platforming, but what is here is quite good

Surpised by how well this one holds up. The gameplay feels quite good despite its age and the voice acting is way ahead of its time. The story has some great twists and turns, especially with its political themes (The US destroying their past not out of shame, but because it would mean a PR disaster? Surely only fiction).

There are quite a lot of flaws though. For how many tools you get, you barely get to use them. There are few stealth sections after like 3 hours and most of those can be solved by a chaff or stun grenade. Also the game makes you do a surprising amount of direct combat instead of stealth which in most cases feels quite bad. The bosses for that matter are also quite hit or miss. All of them have great concepts but only a few actually feel fun to fight. At times the story also is quite overburdened and clumsy. Gray Fox is quite underexplored here and Meryl feels like she's only here to fulfill a trope. The exposition is also really backloaded which made large parts of the game more confusing than it needed to be.

Anyway great start to a series, excited to see where it goes (and how Twin Snakes uses this material).