Some of the the most creative, grodiest horror on the NES. Watch out for Man.

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Some of the puzzles are opaque, and performing magic is extremely finicky, but escaping your wizard slaver is one of my favorite gaming moments of all time.

Extremely difficult as a child - I never got very far. Even as an adult, I can't imagine finishing it with no hints. Has anyone accomplished that?

Still difficult, but a lot sillier than the original. I'm pretty sure I heard a Wilhelm scream.

Rosella doesn't like coffee.

Graham is a silver fox with a chiselled physique now, and there's custard pie. And there's an owl that wears clothes and a monocle (like a human would!). What I'm saying is that this is the best King's quest game.

Dark and Demon's Souls spark a sense of curiosity and fear better than any other game before it. You're fragile, and the sense of dread as you proceed is visceral. But the game never sets you back so far that you can't regroup and carry on.

One of the aspects of this game I've enjoyed the most is sharing stories with friends on how we made it through a tough boss or a combat pickle. It's a puzzle game almost as much as it is a skill-based or adventure game.

I've never cursed at/loved a game this much.

How dare you cast doubt upon my badness.

My brothers and I were with my Dad at Babbages to grab a game. We only got one game every few months, and I entreated hard for this one. My brothers wanted Super Mario 2 or Megaman 2. But we had already rented and played those! We played them and beat them! And look at this dude standing in a fire with tree trunk arms shooting at my face! I successfully persuaded them to go with Operation Wolf. The next morning I woke up at 6:30 to get an early start on the new game and yeah it was terrible.

Rook takes Queen scared me as a kid.

The graphics were mesmerizing. The spiky yellow things that come out of the ground made me feel emotions. But the game was almost unplayable.

The battle mechanics and humor are solid, but the narrative raises this game to a higher plane. Plus there's a dog that wears human clothes.

The perfect blend of action and exploration. Like Oreos and EZ cheese.

Very enjoyable aside from my compulsion to burn every tree in Hyrule to ensure that I didn't miss any secrets. And Link will probably be haunted for eternity due to all the tombstones I desecrated searching for goodies.