Highly recommend you turn the difficulty way up if you have experience with strategy games. I had a lot of fun collecting all the characters and I was fairly invested in the story. We need more games like this.

The combat was decently fun but the gameplay is like 60% fetch quests. It was very easy and hard mode just raised enemy levels by like 20 but didn't change anything else. My game crashed and I lost progress so I don't think I'm going to go back and platinum it.

It’s fine. A short two chapters and the combat felt better than what I remember of Remake’s. I owe a lot of that to Yuffie’s kit being well designed. I never got tired of whipping my boomerang and slinging whatever ninjutsu the enemy is weak to and then using her wind attack to stagger them. I only played this because I was worried I’d be missing important context for Rebirth and I’m not sure that was necessary. If I get to the end of Rebirth and that’s not the case I’ll amend this but for now I think it’s safe to skip if you just want to jump into Rebirth.

Just stupid fun. Diving in to overwhelming odds and scraping out a win (or not!) and doing it again. Really excited to see the way the galactic war unfolds and what kind of toys they drop on us soon.

I had some trouble finishing Breath of the Wild but Tears didn't have that issue. I'm honestly more excited to go back and do BotW again after having finished this one.

I had a lot of fun puzzling out the best route to take to the end. Combat was good and gunplay felt solid. A few bugs hampered my enjoyment a little but otherwise a good time.

I'll find those vampires eventually

A cute peaceful evening spent walking up a mountain. Worth it

It was fun and I enjoyed my time with it but completion seems impossible for me with just how grindy it gets. The ending felt really rough as well but I don't regret the time I spent in the Shinsengumi

This review contains spoilers

Infinite Wealth is an absolutely massive game that truly has outdone itself in scope. The gameplay is much improved from 7, with great feeling RPG combat. The side games are far too large to be called “minigames” and are all engaging. Dondoko itself took me 20 hours to complete and there is plenty more for me to go back and do. Overall a stellar package.

But that aside I was really rooting for the story. Watching in anger as despicable characters are awful again and again, eagerly awaiting the chance to see them get what’s coming to them. And for the most part, I feel like that fizzled out. There were a few good moments towards the end but it just felt really weak when the credits rolled. Maybe my expectations were too high after 7 and Judgment, but I don’t feel like I got that catharsis I was craving.

I wanted to SEE Kiryu meet up with Haruka, not just get it implied that they will.

And as a final note, something that happened early on that really bothered me was them explaining Kiryu got cancer… from nuclear waste. I get how it ties into the story by the end but really? Did they have to give him cancer HEROICALLY by saving somebody injured? The man smokes constantly, just bring the titan low by cigarettes. That bothered me.

Stunningly gorgeous visuals and a gripping story with no real moral answer as to who is right. Had a wonderful time completing from beginning to end.

I like running Mythics with my buds.

When I got a PlayStation 2 I did not have a memory card. What I did have, was Armored Core 2 (and Onimusha). Since I could not save, I got very very good at the early parts of both games. Pushing as far as I could in the hours between school and sleep.

I’ve played and enjoyed most AC games in the years since but none have really struck a chord with me like VI has.

I never feel bad building the most busted robot I can put together and I have no issue with grinding past missions for money to have a fully stocked garage. Some fights are hard, then you put together something stupid and you roll them into scrap inside of a minute. That’s not cheese, that’s the game. And it’s beautiful

I love RGG games and I originally started this one back when it came out but I need up not getting very far but I couldn’t remember why. Seeing it on my shelf, the only RGG game I haven’t completed I decided to give it a spin before Infinite Wealth comes out.

The beginning was so drawn out, I was playing for five hours before I felt like I had any agency to play how I wanted, chapter six of a ten chapter game before it resembled anything like the other RGG games. It really didn’t feel good having Kenshiro sitting in jail thinking about past battles and then just dropped into a basic brawl with bandits several times in a row while waiting for a gladiator match to begin. The game even offers to let you do these battles over and over again if you so choose for experience because you haven’t had any freedom up to this point.

I'm sorry to say that the pacing issues remain throughout the campaign including irritating fetch and padding quests all the way through the final chapter. At one point I was told to go find info about a POI and I had to go to six different locations before being told to wait at home until it's dark, visit a seventh, wait until morning, drive to an eighth, find out my vehicle can't pass an obstacle, drive back to Eden, be given the equipment I need, but it's damaged. Drive back to the place I just was to pick up rusty screws, drive back to Eden, repair the part, drive back to the place and pass it only to be told that my quarry is back in Eden. This happens repeatedly during the games runtime and by the end I was sick of being told to wait until another time of day and check out a place only to have a fun fight and repeat the whole thing again.

If this was my first impression of RGG studios I would be very hesitant to try another.

A fun diversion to cap off my time with RE4, Ada’s mission is short and sweet and her new gadgets give me a fresh take on the combat. It was also nice seeing stuff that was removed from the original RE4 make an appearance here. Overall I don’t feel compelled to play this one over and over to unlock everything but that’s okay. It was nice seeing the other side of the story.