One of my favorite games, short but sweet.

My favorite Pikmin game, It does have some jank and annoying mechanics, but I still have a ton of fun with it.

Cute little game, too linear for a pikmin game in my opinion, TONS of great side missions and bingo battle is extreamely fun. The story is okay, I didn't like the story that much.

After 100 percenting this game, I can safely say it is REALLY good, although I have a couple of problems with it, 1. the auto-lock on can get kind of annoying when things are nearby, 2. Enemies don't respawn in the overworld so you end up waking through an empty level with no threats or ways to grow your Pikmin besides pellets.

Solid title, surprisingly coming from EA of all companies. The story is pretty good, although I feel they could have done more with the final crewmate. The lightsaber gameplay goes very well with a soulslike style game.

Probably one of the best superhero video games I have ever played, the story is wonderful and entertaining, especially with the cast of Batman The Animated Series reprising their roles from the show. The dynamic between Batman and the Joker is perfect.

Arkham City is truly a phenomenal game, The story is amazing, although it can get slightly messy at points due to how much it is juggling. The only problem I have with this game is the achievements (steam achievements) are incredibly tedious and annoying to get. along with the combat multiplier giving way too short amount of time before it's lost.

Half Life, but insanely buggy

Will admit, the world is kinda empty at many points, but truly an innovation on the zelda formula and a good story on top of that.

Pretty good, but keeps locking more new achievements behind 8 dollar dlc

Enjoyable Gamecube game, with an interesting spin on Luigi's character, I like E Gad he's fun, although the collectible ghosts are a little bit annoying to get.

I found it pretty fun, although a bit more linear than I would like, each area was interesting with different mechanics but just fell kinda flat to me.

Grounded mode put me through the wringer twice...

Otherwise pretty good game, with a great story. Kinda clunky gameplay although I put that up to it originally being a ps3 game.