did Kojima predict me beating the game then reading dozens of reviews on a game reviewing website that has thousands of unfiltered video game reviews that don’t contribute to society and doesn’t help me progress as a human

I enjoyed it very much. I used a guide for my own sanity but i definitely wonder how i would have managed this without any outside help. Very good for its time and i recommend if you are playing through all the metal gears.

If i was a kid living in rural Idaho in the 80s playing this without a guide, I probably would have murdered everyone i love.

A fast paced shooter that somehow made me slow down a lot because i loved hearing the enemies random bits of dialogue like a random enemy npc talking about his love for the ending of usual suspects. Also loved the random soap opera playing on tvs, reminded me of twin peaks which i think Remedy is inspired by.

if i was a kid playing this in the 90s i would grow up to have anger issues

whoever created the sound effects is a true artist

One of the most perfect things i’ve played. Very good and puzzles just difficult enough for my baby peewee brain. As soon as i ducked through a section and found a hidden area of the map with manic scribbling on the wall, pan, carton of milk and tally marks on the wall I knew this was a sick game. I loved it and it had one of the best endings ever.

Every resident evil game slowly has become more and more action based until this one leaned fully into it. I used to play this a lot in my childhood so this play through was very nostalgic cause my last playthrough was all the way back in 5th grade. My old save file has tons of hours and all the unlimited ammo weapons unlocked which made me confused cause how did 11 year old me do that. Although i miss the older resident evil gameplay styles, this game is perfect. It’s just the funnest game to play and has such satisfying mechanics. It also has the return of the goat leon.

A lot of people hate this one and i almost listened to the haters and skipped it. But after playing it i can confirm that this sucks in the best way possible. This cranks re back to the full cheesiness level that i loved. It is also the sequel to re2 so i was invested. The villain is some weird rich royalty who is definitely attracted to his sister, wesker and chris redfield return and there’s this scrawny kid named steve who has a crush on claire. This game was bonkers and a lot of fun. I played it with a guide though since there a few moments where you can lock yourself from progressing causing you to lose hours of progress. This was a fun time and had some of the coolest locations and enemies in the franchise so far.

finally being able to explore raccoon city in this beautiful pre rendered backgrounds is so great to see. Jill valentine the goat is back too. This is the first resident evil that made me scared. Nemesis literally runs so fast and will whoop your ass. Carlos is the funniest side character and is great. This was a fire ass way to end to original trilogy and the second best one right behind re2.

Now this is gaming hell yea. I beat the whole leon story in one sitting. Such a fun game to play. everything came together perfectly on this one. Just pure fun gameplay and a wild storyline. If i played this as a kid in 1998 i probably would have shit my pants.

thank you ps3 store for not shutting down and letting me play the re franchise. This game definitely made me want to shoot my own brains out. After being blessed with an unlimited inventory in the silent hill games, this shit gives u 6-8 spaces only. even a tiny ass key takes up the same space as a shotgun. Besides inventory management this game is very fun. It is a perfect B-movie turned into a game. I played through the hill storyline cause she was easier. Such a fun game and it’s cool to see the beginning of one of the biggest franchises.

I actually enjoyed this way more than silent hill 2. I don’t know if it’s cause i have a small brain but i enjoyed the more direct horror that this and silent hill 1 offered compared to the psychological horror of sh2. Also this was a sequel to sh1 so i was mas invested in the story to begin with. Heather is the best sh protagonist and this soundtrack was insane. I really enjoyed the level design just because of how simple it was. Like an empty mall and empty office building and an amusement park give off the coolest “liminal” vibes dude. In the other silent hill games you could just shoot every enemy you see and you will have enough ammo. in this one, however, i was running out of ammo fast because these enemies became sponges. I fucked up and ended up having to beat the first boss with just a melee pipe. I loved the story, the vibes and characters so much and really enjoyed this the best out of all the sh i’ve played so far. Also had the coolest final boss too.

needed a break after silent hill 2 so i played this banger. what i thought would be a chill gaming session ended up whooping my ass. I don’t know how kids got all those damn goofy goober tokens i was clawing my eyes out to get them. great game tho:)-