Mid as hell. DLC is super hit or miss, New Vegas clears sadly.

I love the Fallout series, but it’s definitely frustrating being a fan these days. This game stands as a reminder of what Fallout should be. It’s a beautifully made piece of art that’s so fun to play. The graphics get more dated every year yet it’s still gorgeous to me, and it’s in a close second for the best DLC in any game ever. Play it, then play the other games (they’re fun too). This one stands out though.

I'm literally Johnny Silverhand

I'm literally Johnny Silverhand (and also a secret agent)

Not a fan of rougelikes, but this is definitely the best one I have played.

Absolute banger, not sure what happened with the developers but this game is amazing.

greatest of all time can’t wait for the sequel

Favorite DLC of any game I’ve ever played, cried.

I think I’ve told myself I hate this game like a billion times while playing it, it’s incredibly frustrating most of the time. Still super influential, fun, and fascinating to play especially seeing its legacy now.

The second one was such a disappointment it made me go play this again and it’s so goddamn good, the story is meh but not bad enough to take away from the incredible combat, parkour, progression, and exploration.

Makes my brain hurt, so good.

The first game is so good, and I just never clicked with this one. It’s good, but it doesn’t hit as hard.