kills the soul as much as black metal tape remasters


wasn't too bad before the workshop update

campaign's art design is worse than h:cea, multiplayer could have done far better with any other map in place of ascension remade

no one who didn't mind the series trajectory started with mw2 can make up a single coherent reason for why they don't like this game

you live in the worst possible timeline where, instead of deus ex insurrection, you got old ubisoft montreal staff degenerating themselves into building a late ubisoft montreal game off the shitstained blueprints of invisible war, mass effect and UI accessibility trends – written by a community college sophomore

could have done without the embarrassing breakup line

stopped being playable after b1.7.3 and stopped being respectable after jeb took over

bad campaign, arguably [if not actually] better multiplayer than vanilla cod4 – i, myself, am pissed about nerfed bolts. did you know that mp-40 does not have unreasonably high damage on pc? xbl kids cucked as usual

the greatest danger with making games this open ended and variative is that mediocre, boring players will choose a mediocre, boring playstyle and then come on the internet to complain how it's the game's fault. better if you play it with the tod locked to midnight. worst final level in history

an uninteresting xbla couch shooter that became a front for state issued scummiest parts of wow's economy