It would be no exaggeration to state that this game is one of the pieces of media that has effected me the most throughout my lifetime. From the cinematic feel of gameplay and the emotional rollercoaster that was the final 1/3rd of this game I hold this game near and dear to my heart. Each of the Smiths are unique and interesting characters although some get very little time in the spotlight. This game singlehandedly sparked my expanded interest in Politics and Government.

As much as I loved the environment and plot of this game, it was a slog to play through for the most part.

This was a fantastic game for the most part. The weed mission and the helicopter escape were the most memorable parts of the game. Hoyt is a very meh villain though.

Zack Fair is a very interesting and funny character, this game was probably one of my favorites from 2022. It is a great addition to the overall story of Final Fantasy VII. I am a fan of how it adds backstory to characters like Zack and sephiroth who appeared in the original Final fantasy VII but not for that much time.

This was a fantastic way to cap off the original trilogy of God of War.

There were many improvements from the first game.


It was a pretty good puzzle game. Physics were a bit weird but it was solid

This game was AMAZING. It was my first Soulsborne and the feeling after beating a boss is one of the best feelings in the world. The final boss was a shitty way to finish off a 5 star game.

Pretty solid combat system, the pacing for the plot was kind of all over the place though.

Probably the best RPG from summer 2022. There were many emotional moments such as the end of chapter 5 and I’m very interested to see where the Xenoblade series goes from here

This game singlehandly got me through quarantine and is an incredible MMORPG. After feeling underwhelmed by Phantasy Star Online 2 I decided to try this game and it’s incredible.

This game is among my top 3 favorite final fantasies. After 3 games of active time combat this game takes a creative twist on turn based combat. The plot of this game has incredible amount of depth and many shocking twists. I highly recommend you play this game if you have the chance.

This game is a must play for RPG lovers. All 8 protagonists are unique and their story modes are all fun (except Akira’s). This game also did a great job creating a backstory for the main antagonist. My only complaint is the amount of grinding required for the final chapter.