The first singleplayer game i've ever played, and man if it isn't a blast

While i loved the 2nd game more, this is still a must play when it comes to 3rd person shooting, or in general a solid enough story

I'm happy i wasn't bothered by the gameplay and that i could fully enjoy the story for the emotions it made me feel

while this game when it launched was a revolutionary game that set standards for a lot of generic tropes we see in games nowadays, this game feels horrible to play nowadays, especially without the nostalgia glasses

This game's story and gameplay is not appreciated enough nowadays

This game's pc release truly ruined the game for me because of the black screens and occasional crashed.Couldn't even finish the last mission since the game wouldn't let me get past the motorcycle jumps and I had to watch the ending on youtube

Besides the combat sometimes not feeling the best, this game is amazing

The best combat that rgg has pulled off so far, with also an amazing story

A very welcome entry for the series in my opinion

Besides the game falling short on its story at times this game is one of my favourite indie titles i've played

While i enjoyed my time with it it didn't really have an impact on me

Some of the most pain i've been in while playing a video game

Far cry but they actually changed some core mechanics