I always knew i was going to get back to horizon zero dawn, completing its dlc in the process, and likely this is the best horizon has been in terms of quality, still, I doubt it is anything that will impress a lot of people

Its likely one of the most passable games in the ps 4's exclusive library, neither amazing or horrible

Something about this game isnt great, the characters are fine, and the writing is alright but i got bored relatively quickly of it, it had some sparkling ideas and a possibility for great way to make me feel something through the characters, but it fell kind of flat for me personally

I think this is just one of those games that maintains its charm in a lot of ways, sure it might be clunky, and not as pretty as other games, especially other games that have aged better than this one, but its a fun ride


Playing this after having played eternal sure feels weird, 2016 is still a great game but eternal overshadowed this game in almost every way

This very much feels like a budget game, reused bosses and enemies left and right, as well as going through the same area like 3 times, with not too much changed, the game does not feel very quality worthy, but for all its salt i found it kind of hard and enjoyable

I think the saving grace of this game is it being free, its really short, and the story is kind of boring, but it might be just me

I don't know, something about this game didn't click with me, I expected to be having more fun than I did but that just never happened, no doubt i will go back to this game one day, since this is supposed to be one of the greatest game of all time, but its not going to happen anytime soon

I liked it, but there are some really big inconveniences from time to time

There is just too much of this game that doesnt click with me, like the weapons are fine, the upgrades are fine, the characters are fine, but i havent found anything addicting about it, or something that makes me want to continue playing the game and keep on unlocking different weapons and characters

This is an amazing rhythm game, but i swear near the end the game was testing my human limits

This is my first 2d mario game and I honestly enjoy it more than i expected, even though i am not really a platformer kind of person

I don't find it as charming or as great of a platformer as many others, but its still alright

Its cute, and it plays great, that's all you need to know