Amazing visuals & music can only do so much for a weak campaign and a puzzle system that, while fun, does not lead itself nicely into the main story.

A great action adventure game, but the nonlinear structure, little guidance in certain areas, and soundtrack don’t leave a good impression.

It’s good as a free expansion, but nothing to write home about, especially when it tries to link the original Gravity Rush and its sequel.

This sequel creates a bigger, yet worse open world, mediocre story and combat from the original return, an ugly mix of cel-shaded & realism that poorly hides the terrible draw distance, yet the music, traversal, and final few chapters pick up the slack.

An ok mecha action rpg with mediocre combat, easy difficulty, unbalanced postgame, and zero online multiplayer included in this third revision.

Ok game that has incredibly short level maps, great visuals & music, and mediocre special stages.

A good twin-stick dungeon crawler x shooter with fantastic visuals & music, but brutal difficulty & unnecessary guidance that breaks the flow of the gameplay.

A title jammed packed with puzzle challenges, yet can be unfair with the ridiculous amount of trial & error guessing on harder difficulties.

Same campaign, but the switching mechanic is done well, the new color palette is incredible, and the intro is a nice reference.

The fantasy theme is well done, alongside the visuals & music, but the constant screen-shifting and weird boss patterns hurt the experience.

An alright platformer that has some adventure elements, like item usage, backtracking, and a stage map, but feels shoved in.

A $15 rip-off that barely lasts 30 minutes, and it locks Aerith as an assist for the updated version.

Amazing shoot em up until you get epilepsy from how insane the parallax scrolling & flashing backgrounds are.

A solid stealth game with multiple endings, fun tools to utilize, and front & back touch for easy access to different commands.

Lacking in content or substance, and 2 abilities are locked behind a purchase of Kirby Triple Deluxe.