Feels a lot more polished than the original game, but the drifting feels off to me. Visually pleasing early PS1 title.

More Ridge Racer goodness! An expansion more than a proper sequel, but gets the job done for an early PS1 title.

Early PlayStation goodness in this simple racing game! Love the day/night cycle and upbeat soundtrack!

This game oozes “tech demo aesthetics”, but in a mostly positive aspect. The way cars twist and turn on these simple 3D environments as the happy music plays in the background puts a smile on my face. There’s not much content here and the drifting is pretty bad, but as one of the eight launch titles for the Japanese PS1 release, it’s a neat relic of its time.

They made Bomberman with Lumines aesthetics, which is pretty sweet but it’s mainly an online battle mode. It can be difficult to control on touchscreens, thankfully controller support is available. One of the better Apple Arcade exclusives.

From the orchestral soundtrack, FMV cutscenes, and phenomenal SNES style presentation all elevated by the hardware prowess of the original PlayStation, Arc the Lad pulls all the punches as the first Strategy RPG for the console. Unfortunately, the poor balancing and tactical positions made this title more difficult than it needed to be. Working Designs localization seems to be alright, they did slide in a pee joke in there though...

Why are there Wii and Nintendo DS Lite ads plastered on this wavey racing game? A great title that is a delight to see, learn, and master for Nintendo 64.

It's a cozy game from skip, but I feel the gameplay loop and small-scale of WiiWare prevents this game from soaring to their signature style.

Taking photography classes wasn’t enough to please Professor Oak in this secret filled on rail shooter! Intriguing this was originally a game based off Jack and the Beanstalk.

I enjoy the extra additions to the battle system, both minor and major, but by the time I reached Scenario 000, I felt little reason to finish these treacherous battles. I am glad to have played Scenario 012, Scenario 013 I experienced with the original Dissidia, maybe one day I will overcome Scenario 000.

This game is like one giant episode of Game Center CX with a ton of quirky gags and humor plastered everywhere, hidden gem for WiiWare.

A neat compilation of bonus microgames and storage, but can't imagine it standing much ground if you don't own the DS game alongside this

Prope created a game that touches on the daily struggles of people, their flaws as individuals, and their desire to become better, but is uplifted by inspiring stories and progress made by the player. Adore the cartoony art-style, catchy soundtrack, excellent sound design to each type of catch, and surprisingly entertaining side modes for single or multiplayer. Sometimes, a simple game of catch is enough to change the lives of many!

Such a fascinating title from Sony’s backlog, it has some odd quirks like the camera but it is a shame titles like this are long gone.

Wow that was trippy, pleasant experience, might not remember it in a week but it was a good time while it lasted!