It's Ape Escape, again...just not as inspired. The new gadgets are lame, some of the stages go on a bit too long, and then you get to see a moving platform for the 25th time. The next gen technology benefits in rendering wide, colorful stages, but by the end I just stopped caring. Robbed of the Saru Getchu song in the Western release! Listen to it, it is catchy af!

Sonic Team made this game! After enjoying the Mario Movie and hoping (coping) that the next 3D Mario game after Bowser’s Fury will most likely be for the next gen Nintendo console, I immediately went to replay this game. I love this game so much, it is a technical marvel at how lovely, creative and wondrous Super Mario Odyssey is! I enjoy how the Joy-Cons and HD Rumble enhanced the platforming experience.

I wish we got proper dlc or a sequel to this game, but for what we have, Super Mario Odyssey is my favorite Nintendo Switch exclusive. Kirby and the Forgotten Land got close to beating it, but damn if this Mario game put a smile on my face from start to finish.

This game has heart, I just wish playing it was much better. Great soundtrack, playful visuals and a whimsical theatre style, it is those wondrous factors that make a Sonic Team game for me. Balan Wonderworld feels like an art project that wasn’t finished, though I am able to see the spots of beauty glimmering out.

Don’t think I could ever recommend it to anyone, but if this is Yuji Naka’s last major game, well damn. There’s always Prope’s Rodea the Sky Solider to replay. Every second was an adventure…

Early PS2 era brought about a slew of unique games that utilized powerful next generation technology at the time and Zone of the Enders is no exception. From the “High Speed Robot Action” to the stylish menu ui, this game has the feels, looks, and sounds that encompass the rather short journey ahead. It’s pretty repetitive and I wish there were more hub areas to explore, but Zone of the Enders is more than just an excuse to get you the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo! If only they didn’t cancel the PS Vita port of the HD Collection or Zone of the Enders 3…

Why does Kirby speak Japanese in this game? Didn’t think the game was all that fun thanks to some stinky level design and cheap deaths. Bosses and stage themes got incredibly repetitive, the time limit is kinda lame and you need these red stars for an extra mode or something? I don’t care Kirby sucks!!!

Crash Bandicoot: Boy Genius; He spins, flings, and flies into action! It is a looker, it is pleasant to the ears, and it plays pretty smooooooth. Wish the bosses weren’t so lame tho…

Finished arcade mode with Yugo. There was blood and roaring in this sequel. There’s a story mode here but I’m not that interested in checking out tbh. Wasn’t big into the characters and fighting mechanics.

Weirdly buggy game, and I’m not talking about spiders nor Spider-Man. Regardless of that, I love seeing the Harlem side of New York in this game. Also Peter’s new model sucksssssssssssss!!!

As someone who was an iPad kid back then, the game is fun. -Reggie Fils-Aimé

The bird scared the fuck out of me.

I feel sad, what did I do wrong? An action adventure game with a wide sense of scope, scale, and suspense; that sounds like it could have been the best non-Zelda game out there! As someone who loves Ico, this should have been the game to win my heart over. But it didn't...

Fatigue, exhaustion, anger, stress, why was it that after every colossus fight I immediately had to turn off the game because those were the feelings I felt afterwards? A good, fair boss fight should have gave me a sense of accomplishment, relief, and happiness, yet I rarely felt that throughout the course of the game. My eyes can only be so "amazed" by the large colossuses and excellent orchestral soundtrack when I struggled and hated fighting a vast majority of them.

This should have been a winner, as someone who enjoys the whimsical magic of the Zelda series and the endearing journey that was Ico. But it wasn't...and I feel sad that I am unable to see what makes Shadow of the Colossus so inspiring to others. Regardless of how I feel about the game, the loss of Japan Studio is more disheartening than the differences in opinions I have. I miss Japan Studio, they were the playful, daring, and influential heart that powered Sony Interactive Entertainment. We truly lost one of the best game studios in the world...

Rankings of Colossuses (for those interested)
I: Like
II: Like
III: Like
IV: Like
V: Dislike
VI: Dislike
VII: Dislike
VIII: Dislike
IX: Hate
X: Favorite
XI: Dislike
XII: Hate
XIII: Dislike
XIV: Hate
XV: Least Favorite
XVI: Hate

Imagine if Nintendo made a 3D remake of Mother 3 as the first official localized release for the West. That would be really funny to sabotage the West's chance at experiencing such a legendary game. Surely, NO ONE would think to ever do such thing with as profound a title as The Portopia Serial Murder Case is right? Righhhhhhht?

Really makes you think how long it took Nintendo until 2021 to port 3D World to Nintendo Switch. The engine was there since 2019’s Super Mario Maker 2, Nintendo is known to sit on completed games in their vault, and the 2020 pandemic affected them harshly. Like 2019’s New Super Mario Bros Deluxe’s metadata was found in 2018 on the eShop alongside Tokyo Mirage Sessions: Encore, which was released in 2021 as well. So at the earliest, 3D World could have been ready by late 2019 to early 2020 but alas Nintendo loooooooves sitting on completed games. Long day for Wind Waker & Twilight Princess HD fans…
Anyways…game’s fun! I got nothing else to say, online co-op is neat but idc. I’d like for future 3D Mario games to be course clear and open air, as in separate games and not Bowser’s Fury hybrid. I like that game, but making big open zone Mario game might limit scope to me.

Next Generation Weapon Wielding Fighting Game! It's sooooo clean and feels great to land attacks with the different weapons & characters. Definitely want to check out the other modes other than Arcade.

Someone either on Backloggd or YouTube will write Shakespeare’s worth of Donkey Kong’s influence on the gaming industry and Nintendo as a whole when it’s just a bad port with missing content.