There were like 6 missions where I had to cheat in infinite money in order to win, but I had fun.

They were definitely running low on the fairy dust the first game was sprinkled with at this point. It is still Half-Life so even the "bad" one is still not a terrible game. When I get the bug that causes me to reinstall the first game I often play Opposing Force after that, I don't usually Blue Shift after that.

I feel like the last couple of times that I reinstalled this I forgot that there was that one enemy that is a huge pain in the ass in an unfun way. Surely when the stars align again and I play this in the future I will remember. Right?

Rimworld is a fantastic platform for telling many different kinds of story. Add on to that the dedicated modding community and this is one of those games that about once a year I decided to get overly into.

Using poker as the mechanics of a game is one of those ideas that people come up with a lot. In my opinion this is the best execution of that idea. The promise of a poker based game is that poker has relatively simple mechanics that everyone knows so putting a twist on that will be easy for most people to figure out. In execution this has been difficult because it either ends up not being a meaningful enough escalation on poker or escalates in a way that removes the promised simplicity. Balatro is the first time that they hit that perfect sweet spot that maintains the simplicity and gives me a reason not to just play poker or a poker simulator.

I kinda love the philosophical conflict that this game's characters have. This game and its world has one of the best explorations of law vs chaos I have seen. Like the first the gameplay isn't good enough that I would do the combat without the story and atmosphere, but it's good enough not to get in the way of enjoying the other aspects.

Zeno Clash explores some interesting ideas and while I don't love the gameplay it's good enough to not get in the way of the interesting unique parts.

I got this in the humble choice bundle and kinda wish that it had been one of the choice games I inevitably forget to ever play. By the end of this game I was only holding out so that when I said this game was bad no one could ever try to tell me that actually the ending makes it good (which it doesn't.) Most of the puzzles are pretty divorced from the story. There are a lot of times that the game wants an inventory puzzle solved in a specific way and doesn't do a great job conveying their logic. The color pallet of the game fails to integrate into the magic singing system; there are a lot plants that are the color of one of the songs that aren't effected by the songs. The fairytaleish plot was pretty bad. I feel like it doesn't think about the setting enough to work on a literal level and doesn't think about theme enough to work on a conceptual level. Wasted way too much of my time on this game.

I really loved the story of this game, but the gameplay was not super fun. The story overall was worthwhile, but I can understand why so many people were turned off of this.

I replayed this recently after Mandalore's video. It holds up really well especially with some of the community patches that have been made over the years. The Community Patch modifies the ending which is still rough, but it feels a bit more climatic.

I played through a few times it was fun, but didn't have a lot of staying power.

This is the kind of game that is hard to review. On the one hand I think it had a really interesting story, I played through multiple times to get content I missed the first time because I found the story interesting. But, on the other hand the gameplay was really boring. It wasn't simple enough to be completely ignorable, and wasn't complex enough to require engaging thought.

The art is fantastic and the mysteries of the town are interesting. I am very excited for the remaining chapters to release and to see what happens.

Also the speak with animals perk is very fun.

The visuals are fun, but there are some design choices that really hurt the game. When you use the interact button and aren't near something you can interact with it does a shuddering animation that discourages interacting with things that aren't obviously interactable. However there are moments that you need to hunt for interactables which becomes really unintuitive.

If this game were more approachable it would easily be one of the most popular games of all time. I have had some of the most unique and engaging experiences I have ever had with video games with this game.