I really like this game. The AI has some behaviors that are really unnerving and unique. The base building has some issues, late game enemies can break through any construction without much trouble. I hope that the next game will have some better options to build defenses.

This was the game that so many people got so excited and subsequently upset about? I guess these narrative games hadn't had the time to figure themselves out yet.

Really good follow up to the first one. Starts at the energy level of F.E.A.R. and ramps up from there.

I recently replayed this and played 2. They are both have their moments, but this has difficulty that mades me feel so cool when I do well. The levels are all designed to be challenging and to make you feel like a god when you win. The second is a bit sloggy. The horror isn't very strong, but has some moments of decent atmosphere.

This was better than the base game. It was a lot shorter so the good bits didn't feel as thinly spread as base F.E.A.R. 2. There were some annoying bits where it seemed like enemies dealt crazy amounts of damage. Definitely not on the level of the F.E.A.R. 1.

This game is a disappointment compared the first one. The gameplay is not as clean. The first had a tough but fair feel that made me feel really cool when I managed to beat a tough section. This has moments that are like that, but overall the difficult sections were more annoying than tough. The horror is worse, and the horror in the first was already weak. I found myself thinking Alma is a dick, not that she was scary.

It was fine. The story was hokey and the ending wasn't as strong as I would have liked, but I got it as part of a bundle and it wasn't long. Yelling No at annoying corporate people is a funny premise.

The gameplay was fine. The story had a quality that made always makes me wonder if the characters are OCs that have their own story. A lot of the characterization seems to jump around in a way that doesn't really give anyone a consistent arc.
I also hate that if you try to speed up the text speed it skips the dialogue. I get having an option to do that for speed running, but I would have appreciated a middle option where I didn't have to constantly alternate tapping right and space to make the text not be laboriously slow.


Got this in the humble bundle and it was a pretty mid rougelite. I'm sure there are people out there who could invest 100s of hours into this, but this would be more due to their love of rougelites than anything this is doing.

This is a game that I love, but I will say that it is a pain getting it to actually do what I want it to. I was having a lot of fun with my modded play though and then the creation club caused it to bug out and I couldn't get it running again. I think instead of spending a lot of energy figuring that out I am going to shelve this playthough and I'll start again another time. I love this game and modding it up is fun, but dang that's not the best experience.

This is the kind of game that makes me interested in seeing what the dev does next. This did a good job creating atmosphere, the game made really good use of lighting and sound. The game play isn't bad, but I think the curve isn't great. I think ranged may be too op, the difficulty drops off pretty quick when you start getting good ranged weapons and a majority of enemies don't have much that can counter a ranged build. Final boss was pretty spongy. The atmosphere is there, if their next project has stronger game play I could see it being something great.

Half-Life is the game that all other FPS games are compared to for me. Even with some of the jank it is a game that I find myself reinstalling every few years.

There were some really interesting moments in this, but the chapters felt a bit disconnected. It's one of those games that makes you think that the creator's next game will be worth looking at.


The ur-Big Headed Child Explores Dark World game. One of those games that most one of those games that I think people wouldn't regret playing but I don't think they will regret skipping either.

When this game is on it is amazing, but it is super annoying when it isn't. When you are flying around the battlefield smashing through enemies it's great. When the game occasionally slows down (usually when fighting the Marauders) it is really unfun. It's not that it is that hard, it just feels like it goes from a game where you have a lot of different options for how to approach a fight to a game where there is really only one way to approach the fight.