I played the first few hours of the campaign and was either falling asleep or cringing at Rowan being a generic shounen protagonist.

The roster here sucks ass, but I wouldn't call it the worst. The game at least has Cordelia, Robin, and Minerva, and that's all I needed for those few hours.

Most of my time spent with this game was trying to beat Classic Mode on 9.0 with multiple characters.

I want my time back.

Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world...

You get to customize your own Megaman weapons. Enough said.

Me when I kill God with a chainsaw

Bottom text

This game is the epitome of the pure Flash game jank I signed up for in my childhood browsing Newgrounds

Eltnum's awesome but free her from this game, let her go to Melty Blood

This game runs like ass on the Switch and I found it to be one of my favorite Metroidvanias. I can't wait to replay this on better hardware.

Where the fuck is the Switch port, MonolithSoft

Whenever a friend of yours wants to get a Pokemon game on the Switch, just point them to this instead. You will have them play this real man's monster collector.

This was indeed the greatest plan

Anyone wanna play the Luigi's Mansion attraction with me

30 minute long levels
Gyroscope special stages
I refuse to elaborate