Coming complete with all the DLC as well as the ability to swap cars much quicker with the Wii U gamepad, puts this version ahead of its mainline counterpart.
Unlike some other games ported to the Wii U system, Need for Speed Most Wanted U makes great use of the gamepad's screen, allowing players to easily change or respray their car on the fly, check a much better version of the minimap, disrupt perusing cops with the tap of the touchscreen or even play the whole game just on the gamepad screen.
There are also some fun Nintendo-related eastereggs that are exclusive to this version of the game, such as hidden warp pipes that teleport you to secret underground locations as a reference to Super Mario.
Overall a good racing game and likely your best bet when it comes to a licensed-car racing game on the Wii U.

exact same copy/paste nonsense that the FIFA series has been pulling since its second release on the Switch. Miserable graphics, poor controls and unstable frame rates make this even worse than last year. I paid $4 for this and I still feel ripped off.

Fun game that feels like a natural evolution of the Donkey Kong Country format. This includes being weirdly somewhat difficult, or at least I thought so back when I had it on the WIi U.

Pretty fun little indie game with good gameplay depth and just the right amount of challenge to keep you coming back if survivor games are what you're into. The annoying energy/cooldown system and some microtransactions keep this from being a better game, though.
Still quite fun for brief play sessions.


Fun little game with a charming art style, gameplay that's interesting enough not to feel repetitive, and a well-paced story.
Since the developers fixed the framerate stutter the game experienced at launch, it has become a lot more smooth, something that greatly helps its art style.
Pick it up if you're looking for a calm world to get lost in or some easy Achievements.

Played on: Xbox Series X

Honestly even after a lot of the bugs got fixed the main story never drew me in all that much, with a set of endings that anyone could have seen coming from hours out.
While a lot of the main cast is quite dull and full of cliches, the supporting cast is actually quite good and helps the world feel more alive than it would have otherwise, even if that effect is dampened somewhat by the world itself being on the low end when it comes to interactivity.
Overall a fun game if you’re on a Series X, PS5, or higher end PC, but don’t expect masterful storytelling or compelling main characters. Not a bad game to pick up if you can score it on sale for $30.

This is where the legendary series first really began. While it does have a lot of the key elements that would go on to define the Assassin's Creed series as we know it today, the game isn't exactly what I would call "polished."
While elements of the well known parkour system are in place here, the world in the game is pretty bland and not all that interesting to explore, especially when you compare it to the more lived-in, vibrant settings of later games in the series.
The clunky controls, often awkward camera, and buggy AI, especially when it comes to the enemy's detection system, often break what little emersion the game has managed to create and reminds you that you are playing a game. The pacing also feels a little off at times, with slow, dull sequences taking place outside of the simulation that breaks up the plot, something most of the AC games suffered from beginning here and going up through Black Flag.
That isn't to say the game is entirely bad, however. It does a good job of laying the groundwork for later games in the franchise and introducing players to the systems and mechanics the series would become known for. And while the pacing does get broken up at times by the aforementioned real-world segments, the story the game tells is quite compelling and helped to set a good standard for the series.
Overall, while I wouldn't recommend paying anywhere close to full price for it if you can get it digitally on sale or find it at your local thrift store or used games shop for $5, I'd say go for it. Its also worth playing if you're looking to do a full replay of the series or are looking to play through the AC franchise in order for the first time.