A game that I might end up coming back to! Definitely a game that I enjoyed at first, as I adore the crafting/survival genre. But this is definitely a game more enjoyable with more people. Overall would love to come back to this title though! We shall see :)

One of the (many) games that I haven't quite given a proper chance yet! I played this one with some family members a while back and am itching to get back into this one and maybe 100% it.

Of the two Adventure Time games I have played so far, this is the one that I am more anticipating being a short, yet fun playthrough. My sister introduced me to this, but I haven't had the chance to truly dive into it yet. Hoping to change that soon!

I think we all know why this is being shoved into the abandoned list. One of the worst games of all time, I tried playing through it just to say that I beat it and, well, we all can see how that went.

Gonna be completely honest, this is a game I do not remember a whole lot about. I played this game a long time ago from a friend, and played for maybe a solid half an hour. Very possible I try and find this game for cheap and actually play it but for now it goes into the abandoned group.

An instant COVID classic. This game carried a lot of late night online sessions with friends, and it was the pinnacle for many others during the lockdown. Truly unhinged funny gameplay, and a game that carries many memories.

Another quarantine classic, this one around the time of my birthday! I was interested in Animal Crossing for a while, and this seemed like the perfect excuse to get into the series, and it did not disappoint. Would love to eventually sit down and replay this game again, but for now I take pride knowing I created a wonderful place for some of my favorite villagers.

Apex was a weird BR for me. I wasn't the biggest Titanfall fan, but I like the series enough to give this game a shot, and I still am not sure how to feel about it. I had fun, but found myself wanting more from the gameplay and gunplay. Perhaps things have changed since I last played, but for now this sits in the middle of the road for me in terms of experiences.

This game holds a special place in my heart. This was one of the first co-op games I played through with my dad when I was younger, and regardless of looking at the gameplay from today's standards, it was some of the most fun I've had to this day playing games. The story and atmosphere of the game only add to the experience, loved this from start to finish.

Unlike the previous Army of Two, this game was slightly more of a letdown to its predecessor. Another game played through co-op with my dad, the gameplay didn't innovate on a whole lot and left much to be desired.

This game, while I would love to go back to it, unfortunately had it servers shut down (I believe). I don't remember a whole lot of anything about it, but the core essence of the game was a neat one, just could never get super into it before the servers shut down, so maybe it's a good thing it's gonna stay abandoned.

Now, I know I said I love the craft & survive genre, but this is my one exception. For whatever reason, I could not find a reason to care about this game. I love the atmosphere, concept, and graphics of this game, but I could not convince myself to care. Maybe one day I will come back to this game, but for now I think I will keep it retired.

I will eventually play this game. As a history buff, the concept of this game entertains me to no end. However, I also love procrastinating. So this game has gone unplayed for a while, BUT I will remedy that soon (it will probably not be soon).

This game has to be one of the most disappointing games in recent memory. The prospect of a Left 4 Dead remake, with fully customizable weapons and a unique experience being reborn from my childhood, only to be met with Back 4 Blood. While the game in a vacuum is fine, the prospects of success ultimately come far shorter of the line than anticipated. Truly unfortunate.

This is a classic that I have avoided for far too long, and will be remedying soon. Saying I am excited for this is an understatement!