After raving about the first Bioshock, you would expect me to immediately jump into the rest of the series. Well you are somewhat correct, although I love to procrastinate. So yet another game remains unfinished while I play other games. I know I'll get better at finishing these games I promise.

This is a classic that I have avoided for far too long, and will be remedying soon. Saying I am excited for this is an understatement!


Brink is an oddity to me. This was one of those games that I bought strictly because the cover looked cool and it was $10 at my local GameStop. And yet, this game was some of the most fun a young 11 year old me had with a game. This was for sure a game I stumbled into, but I enjoyed it quite a bit for the heyday it had over my Xbox that summer long ago.

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When looking at It Takes Two, I had no idea what to expect. I saw this game available on Xbox Game Pass and decided to give it a shot with a friend, who also had no idea what to expect. I cannot tell you how pleasantly surprised I was when I not only played through this game with my friend in a matter of hours, but went back and 100% completed this game merely days later. The story of Cody and May overcoming their near-failed marriage through the power of collaboration (love Hakim to death) and overcoming the various challenges made me shed a tear at times throughout my playthrough. Not to mention the beautiful level design, vastly different puzzles between each levels and, of course, the dangerously addicting mini-games that reside within each of the levels. Me and my duo played these games for hours, and even went back to switch sides between Cody and May just for fun. This game sits comfortably in my top 3 games of all time, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a fun cooperative experience with a friend, family member, or loved one.

An instant COVID classic. This game carried a lot of late night online sessions with friends, and it was the pinnacle for many others during the lockdown. Truly unhinged funny gameplay, and a game that carries many memories.

Persona 5 Royal is an outstanding game. This statement shouldn't come as much of a surprise and, to me, is a generally shared opinion of many who have played through this game, or the original Persona 5. Funnily enough, however, I had no idea the Persona series existed for the longest time. It wasn't until the protagonist, Joker, was added as a DLC fighter into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate that I took notice of his unique style, and was immediately invested in him and wanted to learn more. I found myself on YouTube watching playthroughs of the game and figuring out how I could get my hands on this game. Lucky for me, Xbox Game Pass came to my rescue one fateful Summer month, and I never looked back.

When I booted up the game for the first time, a friend had told me just how long this game was and I shuddered. There are plenty of long games I started and never finished, and was wondering if this game would join that list. Oh how joyous I am that it didn't. Persona 5 Royal quickly jumped into the top echelon of my favorite games. To put it simply, I have never played a game like Persona. The in-your-face and loud art style that blends seamlessly with the world around it, the flashy and vibrant characters, both in your party and on the opposing side of your battles, and who can forget the incredible sound track accompanying this game? Not to mention the incredible story of this game, joining the Phantom Thieves, stealing the hearts of those who hunt their selfish desires at the expense of others. The game masterfully phases from act to act, while tackling serious issues in the world as well. I found myself unable to put this game down, playing for longer and longer sessions until I completed the game, all 150 hours of it, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

When asking me about some of my favorite childhood video games, this one shoots to the forefront of my mind. Bomberman Generation is some of the most thoughtless and intense fun playing a game I had back when I was younger, and this sentiment still holds true to this day. I adore this game and wish I still had it in my collection to look back upon from time to time.

So funny story, I actually don't own a VR headset. I played Beat Saber for the first time at a friends house and was hooked as a rhythm game lover. With VR the door is opened for plenty of opportunities for experimentation and Beat Saber hits it out of the park, thanks in part to a devoted charting community releasing new modded songs regularly.

I think we all know why this is being shoved into the abandoned list. One of the worst games of all time, I tried playing through it just to say that I beat it and, well, we all can see how that went.

This game I have struggled with playing. I absolutely adore the Borderlands mainline series games, but 3 seems to be missing something for me. I haven't quite put my finger on it yet, but hopefully my perception on this game will take a turn for the better as I play it more.

I think it's safe to say that there are a lot of Call of Duty games. However, there are few that manage to make a first impression (for me) to the series like the second had managed. It was games like this that are the reason I'm as big of a history buff that I am today, and for good reason. D-Day is a scene that is recreated and reenacted in many forms of media, however Call of Duty 2 manages to make this one daunting and horrifying, all while giving you a slight glimmer of hope that your victory is somehow ensured. While it might not be the most memorable of the COD series, it sure makes its mark on the series.

Speaking of forgettable Call of Duty games, we have COD 3. This game is just not memorable. It starts off on a wonderfully chaotic first mission, but from there I tend to forget entirely about the campaign until the final mission, which I don't remember a whole lot about being completely honest. Like I said, kind of forgettable all things considered.

This game has to be one of the most disappointing games in recent memory. The prospect of a Left 4 Dead remake, with fully customizable weapons and a unique experience being reborn from my childhood, only to be met with Back 4 Blood. While the game in a vacuum is fine, the prospects of success ultimately come far shorter of the line than anticipated. Truly unfortunate.

Another quarantine classic, this one around the time of my birthday! I was interested in Animal Crossing for a while, and this seemed like the perfect excuse to get into the series, and it did not disappoint. Would love to eventually sit down and replay this game again, but for now I take pride knowing I created a wonderful place for some of my favorite villagers.

I will eventually play this game. As a history buff, the concept of this game entertains me to no end. However, I also love procrastinating. So this game has gone unplayed for a while, BUT I will remedy that soon (it will probably not be soon).