Basically a menu simulator but still pretty cool for a few hours

6th night and 20/10 mode are genuinely some of the hardest things I have ever seen in a game.

Genuinely terrifying at first and then it just gets frustrating near the end

Back when mobile games were actually fun

This game was lowkey hella fun early on, especially with friends, but it got kinda stale after a bit.

Kinda overhyped game but still really fun with awesome exploration. It’s like 2D Breath of the Wild, but with more enemy variety and some better bosses. I still prefer Breath of the Wild though because I think the goofy combat and physics sandboxes can’t be beaten. Also the backtracking in this game can lowkey be kind of annoying sometimes.

I am the greatest Wii Bowling player of all time

Pretty good but the resort version clears

This game gave me brain damage

Bring back OG Fortnite and its perfect

Basically Ultimate but slower, less characters, and less balanced. Still a great fighting game though.