Literally just a lethal company clone but nowhere near as interesting or varied, everything is so ridiculously repetitive it’s crazy. Also I know zeekers knew what he was doing when he dropped the new lethal company update right after this game released because it absolutely waffle stomps this game into the dirt.

It’s fun, but it definitely shows its age.

Basically a menu simulator but still pretty cool for a few hours

Still pretty fun but definitely shows its age. Double Dash, Wii, and 8 are all significantly better.

One of the most silly and goofy games ever


I built a cool death transformer and terrorized the monsters of Hyrule lol

This game still keeps me up at night both because it’s scary and also existential dread

I don’t usually like racing games, but this one is so goated

Excellent game, but nowhere near as good as the other 3D Mario games.

Kinda overhyped game but still really fun with awesome exploration. It’s like 2D Breath of the Wild, but with more enemy variety and some better bosses. I still prefer Breath of the Wild though because I think the goofy combat and physics sandboxes can’t be beaten. Also the backtracking in this game can lowkey be kind of annoying sometimes.

Genuinely terrifying at first and then it just gets frustrating near the end

This collection is a steal, the games are so good it’s worth every penny

Another goated couch co-op game from Nintendo

This gotta be the greatest co-op 2D platformer in human history