I've never given the Final Fight sequels a chance. Even if I know who Maki is and enjoyed playing as her in a couple fighting games.

Final Fight 2 feels really good to play. It's very solid, very standard, but that's not a bad thing. If I had to complain about something, it's the backgrounds seem a little lifeless and weapons are incredibly useless.

Also Rolento can go spin off a bridge.

Nifty little action platformer that entered my life while looking up old anime to rewatch. I never knew Mikami had a video game.

It's really fun, super simple, but it has just enough challenge to make it enjoyable. Plus the cutscenes are very nicely done art and they did their best to recreate the style of the show.

All around good time with this one!

Challenged myself to replay the entirety of the game over a few days and I'm still of the opinion this is the best version of Road Rash made for the Genesis. The music hits right, the tracks feel really good to race on, and the art is just peak for me.

It's a game I like to go back to when I need a good time and Road Rash II is always a good time.

I said I would wait until CDPR was done done with the game to finally try this and they seem to be now.

The story is really good. This is what was needed more of in the base game. Multiple paths in nearly everything you do means more player choice, and the choices actually felt like I was making mistakes. And I decided to keep going with those mistakes. And the game responded to it. That's all I wanted to begin with base game.

Every new character is well acted and they give you so many little moments to just talk with them more, learn about them and treat them like "real" digital lives you are impacting. There was clearly care put into them.

2.0 updates make this game feel completely different from what I remember a year ago. I was put off by it initially, but I grew to like the changes. It has me finally wanting to do one final run with a street kid, the only path I have yet to choose.

My only set backs are with specs required on PC. With my setup, base game runs just fine. My FPS is stable. However, the new area is clearly built differently and is not optimized, which is why I guess they raised the minimum requirements for the DLC. The FPS drops only got really bad during certain events with a lot of npcs. I don't have the most high end set up money can buy, but it is jarring to see base game Night City run at 60+fps but when I enter Dog Town, it's 20-30fps. I wouldn't even really care if it would be a stable 30fps but it's not. Obviously everyone will have a different experience with this, but I just wanted to note it in my little review.

Overall, I liked this! I would recommend it if you liked Cyberpunk 2077 enough to play more of it.

I think I've reached about as much enjoyment from this game as I'll get.

Game plays really well for a ftp third person shooter gacha game. Characters can be written well enough to where you care about their stories, but not all of them.

Typical grips I have with gacha games apply here. It's a grind, higher levels take so long to gain, weapons and characters have a very low drop rate, and anything you might want to buy with real money is insanely overpriced. $20 for a skin? No thank you.

Overall a near perfect game. The combat feels insanely good, the story had me gripped the whole way, and all the side content kept me engaged.

Once again, a Yakuza game has me shedding a few tears at the end. They sure know how to suck you in with a story that becomes so embedded in my head, I won't forget it for a long while.

My only gripe: locking things behind paid DLC like a fighting style. That sucks and will always suck.

Anyway, I kickflipped into some street thugs, fell on my face, beat them up, then walked right over to pet a cat and skated away. You can't top that sequence of events.

For my first Call of Duty game ever, I enjoyed playing this with a friend and I think it's fun in that setting. I have encountered numerous bugs, one match had some really gross lag, and I sure don't like basic death match is locked behind a full game purchase.

Also I really can't stand the menus. Sorry CoD, make them better.

Just an incredible story and fun to play all around. Can't believe I waited this long to finally dive into the Yakuza side games.

Yagami has some really fun combat. His combos and two playstyles felt really well done. Plus all the side content in the game, as tradition with Yakuza, is really good!

Just an all around excellent game minus where it crashed on me one time during load during the final chapter. Not sure what that was about!

It's more Tales of Arise. And that's an incredibly good thing. The story was also pretty good. Not as good as the main game, but decent enough to where I was caring at the end of it.

Is it worth $30? I don't think so. I got about 10 hours worth of gameplay doing 100% of everything and luckily I picked this up on sale for $20. I think that is the perfect price for it.

Long story short, I liked it a lot, it's dlc worth playing.

I've played this enough now I think I can leave my thoughts on it.

I like this game. Base game is super good, fun with friends, and I play at least twice a month for a couple of hours. It's a good, quick, easy to learn co-op game and it can be extremely silly at times.

However, modding this game is where I think I have the most fun. I've been in a lobby with about 16 people and that was one of my favorite times playing this game. The chaos that brought was amazing. And there are so many dang mods for this game now.

So to summarize, it's a great game to play with friends, base game can be fun, modded is even better, and I hate monsters and I yell at every one of them.

Just don't try playing it alone. It's not fun to do so.

Played via the Castlevania Collection on Switch.

Castlevania 2 has some pretty impressive ideas for the time. I like the day and night cycle, I like talking to villagers, I like exploring and figuring everything out. However, I still like Castlevania 1 just slightly more.

Simon's Quest had me opening up a guide towards the end. I like the simplicity of Castlevania 1 more. And that's a personal taste preference, I fully admit that.

Castlevania II is still a solid game, I just wished I enjoyed it more.

Played this via the Castlevania Collection.

I own the game on a cartridge but I never in my life beat it. Sitting down with my Switch in hand, I just decided to casually play it. Kicked my ass at first but then I finally got it. Only took me 30 years but it clicked with me and I beat it. I finally got to defeat Dracula.

It's a classic for a reason, and it's challenging, but I think I appreciate it more now. I know, fake fan and all, but I had a fun time.

Still hate getting knocked back into bottomless pits however!


Decent enough racing sim but be sure to log into your EA ACCOUNT for the battle pass that's free! But hey if you want to you can buy the VIP BATTLE PASS! Wouldn't that be swell.

Also the story mode faces will haunt me in the darkness please send help.

Princess Peach Showtime is a smaller in scope game and I love it for that. Peach's many different outfits and gameplay ideas are neat. It's cool to see a game focus on these small experiences and have them all be fairly fun to play.

Small annoyance is if you miss a collectible, you have to play the whole level over again. And a lot of those have in engine cutscenes that can't be skipped. It doesn't waste a lot of time but it can add up.

I recommend it if you are looking for the perfect game to play in short bursts. Plus it's cool seeing Peach star in her own game again.

This game shows a lot of promise for a boomer shooter. Episode 1 is fun!

Episode 2 and 3, not so much.

I know it's early access and there are two more episodes still to be made, but I'm not sure how those will turn out. I'm hoping the game doesn't turn out to be a dud at least.