Pretty good! Charming and fun. Not much more, but thats ok!
A little janky and the linear levels kill the fun of completion. Basically, getting everything requires you to comb levels twice. Lame.
BfBB got it so right with its more open level structure.
I'd say if you're a fan of them Gamecube/PS2 era 3D platformers of old, this will be a charming ride.

Super disappointing. I haven't play the first two games in a while, but I don't remember them being this.. nonsensical.
The mechanics are super fun. It feels amazing to move around in a level. It feels good to fight things, it feels good to weave around bosses attack patterns, so its infinitely more frusterating when the game NEVER challenges you at all. Ive heard the challenge needs to be self imposed or it comes from the ranking system. But I don't like that. The game should be satisfying without having to work to make it satisfying. It was engaging on a gameplay level. And it felt like it was begging to be the whole time. I think their approach was trying to be like some action platformer visual novel? Which maybe could work... Too bad the story felt pretty milktoast. Some of the bigger subtext referencing the other games in the series was lost on me, but on a surface level, this story is lame as hell.
I loved the original game. But I'm second guessing my memories if it was anything like this.
A very "nothing game" with the veneer of being a "something game".

A real ass video game man.
Combat is insanely satisfying. So tactical/"arcadey" but still had the stress of the item management, which is just such insanely effective combination. The story was very corny, but very on the nose and fun. The pacing was a bit weird towards the end and I really wish Ashley was utilized more. The layer of management involving her was so engaging and fun.
But otherwise, super good. Legendary for a reason. Glad I finally got a chance to play it!

I went into this game with insane expectations.
It's easily one of the most renowned games of all time. And being on the internet during an era in which the generation that grew up with this game dominated most video game discussions; it always came back to Chrono Trigger. It was the crown jewel of the genre by a longshot.
And I finally played and beat it earlier this year and... yeah. It's nearly a masterpiece.
It just does so much right and little to nothing wrong.
The combat is engaging, the story is fun and interesting, the characters are lovable, as well as being all equally useful, they have multiple endings, optional bosses, a perfectly sized world that is easy to traverse, challenging bosses that never feel like damage sponges but closer to a clever puzzle to figure out, there are plenty of ways to build your team and utilize their unique teamup abilites, the soundtrack is easily one of the best of the era, the pixel are is beyond gorgeous, and the list honestly could keep going. There were a few aimless moments in the game. But thats basically a none issue, because they have a pretty good "hint giving character" to keep you on track.
I think the most surprising element that I took away from the expierence was the pacing.
It's just so immaculate. It's fastpaced, especially for a JRPG. But despite that all of the moments felt personal and savored. I think this was just square at its height. A team of developers who had spent the last decade perfecting the craft of the 2D RPG. And this is the fruits of all of the labor.
I'm very glad I finally played it. A lot of surprises in a game so legendary and old.

Stupidly cute like wtf.
Nothing groundbreaking, but I just love stuff like this. Passionate fans making an official sonic vn. So neat.
The art is insanely good and the characterization is basically perfect.
Felt like an IDW comic arc, which is a huge compliment.

Pretty fun, actually! It felt really good to play and had some clever level design.
Pretty short, though. Ultimately think it's sequal is just a better version of this game.
Still worth playing if you like this style of Frogger game. (Which you should like)

So I am a huge huge fan of Star Fox 64. One of the pillars of my video game interest as a whole. It does so much right and almost never gets old to me. That being said;
I kinda avoided this game for years.
But I finally played through it.
Aaaannd.. It was ok. Not AS bad as I had heard, but also drops the ball in so many weird ways, that I honestly never hear critiqued.
The controls were the least of my concerns. When it works, it works well. I can see why they don't jive with everyone, myself included. But what they wanted to achieve, is achieved with the controls.
I think the game's level and senerio design is where the real slop is. The stages can feel either too short or too long. Bosses can feel aimless and boring, or super exciting.
Its all over the place.
It retreads 64 so much it basically has no identity of its own. And ultimately just feels like a lesser version of that game as a result.
It's missing so much of juice that made 64 so satisfying to play, taking literally.. Zero, steps forward.
For example; your crew in 64 is cute. They each serve a purpose beyond just being funny dialog. Falco helps you with combat, Peppy gives you tips and Slippy reads the bosses HP.
But it's all pretty miniscule, so KO'ing them never felt too detrimental, even if they were gone for a stage.
But not only does Zero remove the whole, they're out a stage if they KO, the crew serve NO purpose beyond their quirky dialog. (Most of which is lifted straight from 64 anyways)
Having a greater imprtance to your crew on a gameplay level could have been such a great addition to this game, adding a new element of focus and problem solving to each stage.
It feels like a step down, and makes the crew feel even less significant. Which is such a shame, because it's a huge part of the original's charm.
Also the music and visuals were pretty forgettable. Serviceable, but nothing that will stick with me.
I was disappointed, but not in the way I thought I'd be.

It was pretty alright!
I'm a big fan of Saturn game, and this was a neat way to make it portable. Some weird design choices and could get really cryptic and frusterating at times.
Bosses were begging to be cheesed with one or two spammed moves. It made certain sections very very NOT satisfying at all.
But it looks nice feels really good to move around in. And that's all a game like this really needs honestly. It doesn't overstay its welcome and know what it is.

Uh, a game. That's for sure. Kinda think its funny to have a Hello Kitty action game. But I don't think I could muster more than 2 words about it. It was a game with enemies that you hit and you jump sometimes...
Strange game because it's super unremarkable and kinda weirdly memorable at the same time.

Honestly, really really good! I'm surprised, this may be in my top GBA games now. This is just such a satisfying game to play well. It's snappy, clever, challenging. A few bosses are a bit lame, but otherwise really good stuff.

I don't think I ever actually beat this before, somehow. But I finally did. And it holds up, it really does!
Really solid, really charming, etc.
I feel I probably don't have a ton of unique takes on this game; it's Mario RPG.
Still doesn't hit the highs some of the other Mario RPGs hit, but I cant complains considering how original the concept is alone.
There is this energy and personality this game has, that's unmatched. It's something truly special that is completely absent in the Mario franchise these days. That alone is worth expierencing it.
It helps it's also a decent, beginner friendly RPG as well!

Felt really good to play and has some seriously damn good pixel art. There's a lot I like about the game, even just like the idea of a more melee focused MMX/Zero style game is super neat...
Buuut the difficulty felt all of the place. And really soured the expierence for me a lot. I think 99% of my deaths were from one or two bosses.
It's a fun time, but never really impressed me with its level design. Ultimately making it a little forgettable.

Pretty dang good like, god damn. Especially for a gameboy game. This might be the most impressive GB game I've played.
It could be kinda cryptic sometimes, but overall, really well paced!
The dungeon design was so crazy satisfying. I mised tight, focused 2D zelda dungeons.
The Eagle dungeon was like a brain massage, it was awesome.
The story and how it wraps up is so cool too.
I knew elements of the story going in, but had no idea how it played out. Really introspective and bittersweet feelings to evoke through a
Gameboy game.
I really wish this was a game I had as a kid.

Pretty good! I've always wanted to beat this one. Kinda on the easier side, but still satisfying, I feel. Mainly via the controls. Just really nice feeling game to jump and shoot in.
Very mega man-like in its level design and pacing.
The goofy sprites were a highlight for me.
Loved seeing the shows art style translated to an NES game.

I'm kinda blown away I hadn't played this before.
I loved Demon's Crest when I played it a few years ago, but this game may actually be a tighter expierence.
The platforming is so deliberate and satisfying. Whenever you have to make a precise jump with your flying ability, it feels amazing. The way they utilize the vertical space in their levels is genius.
The abilities you get all feel really useful actually. Even the last blob orb thing you get, despite it only being used on the final stage, is one of the most memorable abilities you get.
The boss fights are a little easy, but pretty satisfying to calculate that vertical angle, and just wail on.
I think the dicest part of the expierence was the overworld RPG stuff. I kinda winced when I started the game and saw this, but I wasn't too annoyed with it. It really doesn't add much to expierence besides some padding and really uneeded world-building, if I'm being honest. But pretty inoffensive. I ended up using a Youtube playthrough a few times just to alleviate some wondering around, since it's "hints" on how to proceed aren't exactly spelling it out for you somtimes.
But I didn't feel too bad about it, since the platforming was what I was mainly here for.
The music and ESPECIALLY its visuals are so good.
Seriously this is probably the slickest looking NES game I've ever seen. Firebrands sprite looks incredible. Would have throught this was a Genesis game if you showed me a screenshot.
Overall; i love this game. Easily up there with some of my favorite NES games like Blaster Master and Mega Man 6.
I guess I'm playing this backwards, so I'll be sure to try the original when I get a chance.