29 Reviews liked by PSickG

I absolutely hate this game but I play it like I have some sort of crack addiction to it. One day I'll be free. Only fun with friends

ppl shouldn't be allowed to use voice chat in video games unless they pass a nice test where you have to be nice online

Jett is pretty hot. this game makes me hate myself

Riot should try making fun video games

Pigma balls

Okay but seriously, why do a lot of people dislike this game? The standard Star Fox aerial action is epic as hell and the scope is bigger than ever, especially combined with the brilliant orchestral soundtrack. And the land missions, while jank, are still quite fun.

"sonic had a rough transition into 3D" your mom had a rough transition on deez nuts

game reviewer when Sonic Adventure makes a mistake "WTF THIS GAMES SUCKS MONKEY BUTTS WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?????????"

game reviewer when Mario 64 makes a mistake "awwww its ok wittle mario 64, you don't have to be perfect."

so many reviews of this game have people saying "oh it sucks but i love it" or "it's obviously not GOOD but it's good" which is The Coward's Copout. I have no respect for this line of hedging your bets for fans and people who hate it, especially since Sonic Adventure is good.

I am bold enough to say that Sonic Adventure IS a good game. It's creative, made with love and passion, and actually makes good on the no doubt stressful task of translating Sonic into 3D. Of course not everything is going to work, Sonic Team were just fucking nuts, and I have way more respect for a game that shoots for the sun than something that is just another product.

So enough with this "The game is bad but I like it" bullshit. I think for having no other template to work off of, the amount Sonic Team gets right here for technology of the 90s, is genuinely impressive and shouldn't be given backhanded compliments. Sonic Adventure deserves either your love or hate, not some shit in-between.

We couldve had the guy from batman instead with mark hamil reprising his role, what a garbage pick

They gave sonic a sword and we somehow got gaslighted into thinking that it was a bad thing

Without exaggeration, Paper Mario: Sticker Star's gameplay system is actually useless; there is literally NO incentive to fight battles since you get no experience and it wastes stickers. Nothing about this game is memorable except for how much it made me hate stickers for a couple years.

Played one match, too CSGO for my tastes.