A fun VN/RPG game about the French Revolution, from the eyes of a commoner who is engaged to a minor baron (thereby setting up the class conflict from the start). The aesthetics of the game feel great, with lots of interactions with vapid noble and infighting revolutionaries at parties while an elegant classical track plays in the background.
You have six romance choices as well that you can pursue throughout the game. I got with two (maybe three) at once, which seemed to have no in-game downside, and honestly didn't even feel out of character given how much your character begins to feel like a spymaster. It isn't that deep of character writing, but they are fun to read through.
The main downside of the game I had was that it felt long in the second act, and had a few timeskips that make you miss parties without warning. At times, if you're minmaxing like I was, it can feel too easy.
Overall, vive la France!

A nice little anti-corpo cab game, but the story ultimately doesn't feel too cohesive. Conversations get muddled and your emotions literally block you off from choices even when it doesn't feel right.

P.S. Savy sucked

This is another Choice of Games text based adventure, and it's set in the same universe as Creme de la Creme by the same author. The option of picking your character's gender and relationship preferences, as well as the genders of the the three love interests, returns in this pseudo-sequel. You play as a governess/tutor who comes to a distant, snow-covered estate to teach the weird dude there your language. During the stay, you also meet the haughty countess, the underpaid servant, and a glib new hire who won't shut the hell up. It has some intrigue, some mystery, but ultimately it isn't too deep. Not a bad game, but I think the previous entry was more interesting.

As someone who has only culturally absorbed Hamlet, and not read it, this is still quite a fun time loop game where every loop's a play. Ophelia is a fun protagonist, and there are quite a few devious antagonists, but eventually it does get a little tiring fast forwarding to get to one specific point. Completionists are going to put in some work to get every single ending.

Overall a fun little mystery game. It's let down a bit by the early reveal kind of making the rest of the story feel not surprising, and also by the traversal being a little slow.

A fun romp from Kitfox games that deals with romance and insecurity decently well, although it tries to pack too much into a short runtime. The combat doesn't reach the heights of Hades, but it does have more investment into VN/dating sim sections.

P.S. I'm a rose of venus now

One of the better Choice of Games games that I've played. It's set in a fun period, the 1700s monarchy of France. You basically play a sexy spy who can doublecross everyone.

Decent roguelike in space that has basically no plot or characters, as well as being annoyingly difficult.

Giving it one star for actually being playable, but it's lame dialogue and unlikable characters made this a quick drop. The art is not to my taste either.

Some interesting interrogation mechanics but it's a bit tone deaf on policing and suspects. The writing gets worse and worse the farther in you get as well.

From the studio that made the time looping Stories: The Path of Adventure comes Omensight, another time loop game with a decidedly less vocal and interesting protagonist. Where Reynaldo was a fierce yet charismatic rogue, the Harbinger is a silent glowy person who can become inexplicably violent depending on the route. The supporting cast also make up the four routes you can take each time loop; they all are decently interesting, although I found Ratika grating after the 10th time looping through her prison.
Overall the story is solid, although I found it less interesting than the previous game. I would have liked a bit more meat on the bone, but this is an indie studio so the relatively short length was unsurprising. It is worth noting that originally the game had only one ending, and it caused some uproar in the community due to how depressing it was. The devs eventually patched in a "true" ending and also some quality of life changes (notably being able to go back to certain sections of the game and collect stuff you missed).
Performance-wise Omensight is passable. I noticed a few slow downs in areas with lots of fire and enemies, but it never affected the fights significantly (I played on PS5, which likely helped).

Boring characters, a nonsensical story, and really bad fanservice. The only part of this game I enjoyed was the occasional music track... and also when it was over.

Interesting indie game where you play a school council president who has to investigate everything from petty crimes to murder. The card game/rpg/visual novel combination makes for a unique experience.

A short, cute puzzle game where you beat up skeletons to give pancakes to demon girls.

A remake of the original Fire Emblem, this unfortunately fails to be much fun. The battle animations and maps look terrible and the story is boring (though that isn't surprising considering the original came out in 1990). I am also not a fan of the class switching mechanic here. I'm glad they let new players experience the classic, but it's just not that fun.