this is a game that i really wanted to like.

the level design is solid, story is ok. but the gameplay is HORRIFIC, i absolutely hate having to press RT to make sonic run, because if i don’t, he just kinda walks.

overall just don’t buy this game unless it’s less than $10

One of my most favorite games of all time.

The music, characters, world, enemies, and story are all phenomenal. While others may not like it, i enjoyed the weapon durability system. Only thing i didn't like about this game were the shrines, but i don't hate them enough for it to lower my rating of this game.

This game is easily a must play for every Switch or Wii U owner.

Such a fantastic game, obviously had its flaws but the Yo-Kai Watch series needs another chance.

the only arcade game i’m semi-decent at! i’ve had a lot of fun playing this game over the years but god i also hate it so much

good game but really bad gacha

A decent parkour game ruined by its horribly designed final level.

Valve’s best game without a doubt. The puzzles are insanely fun, the story is amazing and phenomenally written, and the Co-Op is insanely fun and ties into the story EXTREMELY well! I truly believe everyone should play this masterpiece.

Finally got the Platinum for this game (which now marks my 6th platinum trophy), and god it was a fun one. Had so much fun getting all of the trophies.

i mean its fun i guess

i only bought this for the persona characters though

A great start to the Arkham series. Combat is top tier, and the atmosphere is fantastic. Boss battles were ok, didn’t enjoy some of them too much. Also wasn’t a fan of how small some of the areas for some fights were. Otherwise, really great game, can’t wait to play City.

not a bad game, just has some pacing issues, and at times makes the player wonder why some events in the story are even occurring. but overall, good game.

it’s fun but it’s just ran by hackers at this point, and the devs are doing nothing about it lol

just play apex or fortnite instead, those are much more fun than this

why did i cry when the pig died