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PaulRothstein reviewed X-Men 2: Clone Wars
Absolutely loved this, especially the way it started up with a level giving you a random hero before getting to the title drop. The snowy atmosphere of that opening level is burned into my memory as a result. The different characters played different enough to be super fun (Nightcrawler and Beast all the way), and Magneto as unlockable character blew my mind as a kid

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed The Ultimate Doom
Still as much of a blast as ever, and the addition of Thy Flesh Consumed was fun as hell too. Whenever I revisit Doom 1 this is always the one I play

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Mega Man 7
I really enjoyed this as a return to the classic formula after the X series had already started. And I appreciate that Capcom started having multiple Mega Man series co-exist like that and still be ongoing. The graphics and sound/music felt like an amazing step up after the first 6 on the NES (although the music there rocks too of course). Not as memorable as some of the series's best, but a solid entry

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Kirby's Dream Land 2
I played this game over and over and over on car rides. I loved the animal friends so much, and compared to Dream Land 1 this felt so much bigger and more involved. Copy powers were fun as hell, and the music still warms my heart

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Tetris Blast
Ended up playing this way more than standard Tetris on our Game Boy, probably just because it had something of a campaign via the boss fights. Could always knock out the first 5 or so with little trouble, but then it would start getting pretty punishing. Pretty sure I ended up relying on Game Genie many times

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Chrono Trigger
An incredible, towering achievement from one of the best JRPG developer dream teams ever assembled. The time travel story is fascinating, the characters are incredibly strong, the music is phenomenal. The combat is pretty simple, satisfying ATB stuff, but I love that the characters have unique identities in combat and the variety of dual techs is fun to experiment with. I feel like I sometimes lose steam in a playthrough towards the back half, but I've played through it so many times anyway. Frog and Ayla are always my go-to team with Crono. The huge variety of endings was also incredibly novel for the time.

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Star Wars: Dark Forces
As a Doom-loving and Star Wars-loving kid this blew my socks off. I thought it was so cool going around Star Wars locations blasting stormtroopers and imperial officers. Usually got pretty lost and confused in the later levels, but I loved replaying the first handful of levels over and over.

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Rise of the Triad: Dark War
I feel like I mostly remember the extremely wacky aspects of this game more than what the story was. Things like the magic mushrooms that made the screen go all loopy, or how many weapons seemed to behave like rocket launchers so just blowing everything the hell up. One of those childhood memories that feels like a fever dream

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Ristar
Don't think we ever rented this as a kid but I always saw it on shelves. Finally tried it in a Sega Genesis Classics collection, and it's a pretty fun and charming platformer. I think I would have dug it as a kid. As an adult it only held my attention so long though

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Scholastic's The Magic School Bus: Space Exploration Game
I rented this a ton from the video store. For some reason I just really liked exploring the different planets in the Magic School Bus

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Beavis and Butt-head
Made me laugh a lot because of how silly it was, and how much I liked the cartoon as a kid. But I found the game really difficult and confusing, never got more than a few pieces of the concert ticket I think

4 days ago

PaulRothstein completed Scholastic's The Magic School Bus: Space Exploration Game
I rented this a ton from the video store. For some reason I just really liked exploring the different planets in the Magic School Bus

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed Point Blank
I remember playing this a bunch in arcades alongside Police Trainer and Area 51. Fun, wacky, different games with a light gun, the character designs were enjoyably insane-looking

4 days ago

PaulRothstein reviewed The Lion King
I sorely miss video game tie-ins to movies like this. A fantastic platformer, and probably helped inspire my ongoing crusade for more games where you play as non-humanoids. Spent hours and hours on this as a kid, could always breeze through the first 3 levels and then start to struggle immensely. But I got through and beat it several times back then, and it always felt like a huge accomplishment. Revisiting it as an adult in the Disney Classic Games pack I had a much easier time with it, although some levels are still a bit challenging (Be Prepared especially). Love how colorful it is, and how they translate the film's score to 16-bit sounds. The stampede section blew me away on a technical level as a kid. Great game

4 days ago

4 days ago

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