Film lover who has tapped into the world of gaming. Here to absorb the art form of interactive entertainment.
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(Played on the PC Enhanced Edition)
It’s rare when a game can make you feel something so meaningful on a journey that deals with heavy subject matters in subtle and direct ways. The fear is palpable, it disorientates you in ways you can’t describe, psychologically distorting your mind as you play through one man’s decent into hell.

The gameplay is clunky by design, character movements janky and enemies straight out of an insane asylum. Their designs subtly feature the protagonists manifestations of his inner demons, fears and desires.

Knowing anything about how deep this game can go, it’s a worthwhile trip to experience something that feels like a one time exception
Silent Hill 2 isn’t just a game, it’s a piece of art.

Fairly straight forward and a joy to play, Stray is a change of pace, simplifying its approach to an unoriginal story but one that never outstays its welcome. Highly Recommended for Cat Lovers.