70 Reviews liked by PepsiMan69

A mix of RTS and moba gameplay done the worst way possible.

This game makes me addictive to combo stacking. Despite sucking ass in this game, I love how it always rewards the player through each run with a new palette or style, making the game much more enjoyable. Though I do feel that the difficulty curve is a bit too harsh. Or maybe I am just bad.

This game taught me a lesson on Hype: Don't follow it, you'll only get dissapointed.

While I still find the combat and world enjoyable, I felt that the player lacked any sort of motivational drive to continue. A wordless narrative is a very tough thing to achieve and it felt like HLD couldn't figure it out. Which resulted in me getting to the credits and just feeling conflicted and bitter. The final encounter lacked any real immediacy and context for the player to chew on. I just defeated it and moved on....

I overhyped the game internally and as such subconsciously imagined and expected a completely, more grandiose experience than the developers were going for. Hype killed HLD for me.

The game is comically broken in the sense that you can fly through each level. Me - a genius - did that, until I was met with a locked level that requires a specific amount of points or smth. So instead of replaying the levels, I quit the game.

Just play any other trine y'all.

I first started playing Minesweeper in school during the more boring lessons. This pastime activity quickly turned into a destructive habit that let me feel the pain of addiction without having to consume any psychoactive drugs. Every time I am in front of my screen and zoning out just a little bit, I catch myself pressing CTRL + N, typing "min" in the chrome tab, and pressing enter, all in the matter of a split second. Obviously, with this big of a habit, the gameplay changed a lot too. Now it wasn't about solving the minefield, but about doing it as fast as possible. At the time of writing this, my personal highscore lies at 65 seconds (I'll update my current pb's at the end of this review). Such a time isn't possible with logical thinking though. To accomplish such a thing, many possible constellations of colorful numbers and their solutions have to already be engraved in your brain, so you don't have to think about the clicks you're doing. This is the perfect setup for a never-ending flowstate. The only time, I am torn out of this parallel dimension is when my eyes are starting to burn from not blinking for ten minutes.

Overall great game, can't recommend it enough.
However, if your future plans are forming a family and having an actual career, don't even think about touching this game.

Minesweeper Personal Bests

Beginner - 2s (?)
Intermediate - 21s (19.07.2022)
Expert - 53s (15.12.2023)

Expert (No Flag) - 82s (19.07.2022)

Just counting the days when I suddenly crave Minecraft and I play it non-stop for 2 weeks, only to drop it for half a year. This cycle will follow me til I die.

I named my character "Butt Nipples" because I recently rewatched Coneheads back when I played this game. A few weeks after I hit max level I logged in to find that my name had been changed to "Cheek Pasties" - and yo, if the moderator who did that is seeing this, you're probably my soul mate.

But yeah then I quit. The home customization was kinda neat, because I have never played Animal Crossing or anything like that. Being able to input music was neat too. RIP

Cute concept and design. I stayed for the music and chill pips online. They do recommend good stuff too such as movies, books, and new hobbies to try out. If you're like me that gets anxious interacting with people online but wants good wholesome connection without exposing yourself too much, you may want to check this out. :)

sometimes you just want a random homie to tell you they care, im here for you bros