fun enemies and gameplay, you almost always know where you're going and what you're supposed to be doing. the library, however, felt like a chore to play through and feels incredibly repetitive

got hooked to the characters and their story from the start. the crap ton of routes and endings leave room for alot of replayability. despite being emotionally invested in all of the protagonists, kara's story felt a bit slow at times compared to the action heavy plots of connor and marcus

much better than morrowind in terms of gameplay, but god i can't take any of the characters seriously with those faces lol
the quests are the most fun i've had in any elder scrolls game
the knights of the nine dlc was kinda forgettable, but the shivering isles one more than makes up for it that crap is like its entire own game lol

it's pretty fun despite the toxic playerbase

with the complete lack of moral ambiguity (all the moral choices are very black and white with no grey area), bland and forgettable story, and the fact that you need to buy a dlc to continue playing after completing said story (you can roll back a save to before you did the final quest, but like c'mon man), this game is easily the weakest of the modern fallout series

pretty solid overall although i didn't like the settlement building system all that much. story is fine but not all worth noting but the gameplay is top notch

this is like one of the only games that have fun turn based combat
can't sprint though

has one of the funniest antagonists in gaming, and despite that you can still sympathize with him towards the end
loved the story and the characters, the gameplay was nice, but honestly my only incentive to beat some of the side missions was to level up to do the main or dlc missions

gameplay was incredible and the side missions were much more fun to do than the previous game, but the main story is where the game falls flat

the game felt repetitive at times, but i loved how handsome jack was portrayed and found some of the space gimmicks to be enjoyable

features my some of my favorite protagonists from any game i've ever played

i dislike the choices you make don't have bigger impacts on the story, but i guess its understandable considering borderlands 3 is a sequel and it wouldn't be easy to account for multiple different endings

not a big fan of the mmorpg gameplay and the combat is reaaaaaally boring, but the story is interesting to play through and i love how much it expands on the worldbuilding of the previous games

despite the hate it gets, it's fun to play and even more so with friends
it's always funny to see what kind of skins from other games or movies or whatever get into the game, even more so when you see Master Chief Halo teabagging you when you die in an entire different game

this game was an eye opener. i learned much about myself i would rather not have.