finally, undertale with a sprint feature
game overshadowed by the much better chapter 2

every time i say turn based combat is not fun and then toby fox spits in my face and proves me wrong

pretty fun when you play with someone else but gets old quickly

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really had fun playing minecraft

would have been the perfect game if salubra's blessing wasn't permanent

good game don't let anyone tell you otherwise

they made mc have emotions and all of a sudden it's a bad game

for real though i had so much fun playing this when i was younger and despite what people say it's one of my favorites in the halo franchise

they tried doing what halo 2 did with the master chief and arbiter dual story thing but they failed because locke is insufferable

i like the art style and the game was fine

the BEST game of all time and it's not even close

this is like one of the 3 games that support the kinect and i'd be lying if i said i didn't enjoy the hell out of it back then