Proof that a simple story can go a long way with amazing characters. Yuri is just one of my favorite protagonists ever and other party members like Judith, Rita, and ESPECIALLY Raven all kick ass. Combat is a fun mix of beat-em-up with JRPG elements. Difficulty felt just right.

Worst Dark Souls but still really good. Bosses and level design were a mixed bag but the build variety along with the spells and weapons made combat feel great.

Alright albeit forgettable campaign with cool zombies mode. All I remember is shooting robots in the campaign.

Way better than DS1 base game post Ornstein and Smough.

Improves even upon Dark Souls 3's fantastic endgame bosses with some of the absolute highlights of the series. Additionally, the areas in this DLC were miles better than that of the previous DLC.

Decent shooting but repetitive enemies and locations. Writing is pretty good though.

Painful enemy hoard with lackluster, repetitive gameplay.

Good concepts and rewards completely ruined by backtracking. Doing all the missions requires will of steel and the patience of a madman.

Funy robot. This whole thing feels like a shitpost mod and it's hilarious.

Fun, spooky maps with silly writing that doesn't take itself too seriously. Even the boss was pretty memorable by BL1 standards thanks to the bizarre presentation.

Very replayable with a decent story and characters. Weapons and builds are fun to experiment with to find what breaks the game the most.

Underrated DLC imo. Bosses were hot garbage but I liked the large maps and atmosphere. Story was pretty funny too.

Bad final boss but the rest is solid.