129 reviews liked by PokeguySR

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This game makes a great sequel and I enjoyed it a lot, but I also found myself kinda annoyed with it at times.

The fuse mechanic was really fun and made the breaking weapons more fun cause there was always a new fun material or device to experiment with.

The dungeons were fun but all felt pretty similar once you got to them using whichever sages power so many times to charge big thing then fight boss.

All the sage were fun to have and made exploration more fun from not always having to watch my back, and help at the enemy camps was always appreciated. I was the most disappointed with the mech it sounded so fun but it was really just a nuisance to deal with.

The story was told in a really fun way that really promoted exploration. Finding the tears and piecing all your other hints from other quest to figure out what did happen during the imprisoning war felt just rewarding enough to get me to go after the next one.

I also managed to go way to long without getting the paraglider kept mitting dead ends cause I needed it but getting was pretty simple once I looked up how I missed it.
Anything person I missed until late game (again happened in BotW too) was Hetsu so I was going through a majority of the game with the minimum weapon and shield slots.

This game makes a lot of fun, interesting, and good decisions.

It also makes a couple questionable ones. Like why doesn’t the sprint continue across screens?

Anyways you know what they say. Silksong isn’t out yet.

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From the start this game pulls you in and thrusts you into an underwater city that is amazing to view. You go through this world, listening to audio logs to help build the setting and story.

The gameplay features several different weapons and abilities that provide multiple unique play styles you could go with. Constantly changing your weapons based on the situation.

You become invested in the story of Rapture, slowly unraveling its mystery until you reach the big reveal. The pay off for listening to all those the audio logs, and now you have some very important context for everything.

Reaching the end the final boss is not the best, but it doesn’t falter the game for me at all, because I felt deservedly powerful and the payoff in the end was great. I loved the good ending I got and felt very rewarded for playing the game in its entirety. Which is what I love to feel after playing a game. It starts strong, and finishes strong.

This just feels like an attempt to make AC IV: Black Flag, but in the AC III setting. While also somehow connecting it to AC Unity. While it is fun at times, it just never really feels like it has it's own identity despite playing as a Templar instead of an Assassin. Nice start and good ending, everything in the middle was pretty boring though.

The best AC game in my opinion and easily the best pirate game out there, especially with how much of a disappointment Skull & Bones was at launch. The gameplay and story are both so amazing, while Edward is such an interesting and complex character who goes through so much growth.

The combat and the ship battles are so much fun, it is so easy to get lost in the game just sailing the Caribbean listening to sea shanties and boarding ships you come across.

Graphically the game is so beautiful and the setting and time period are of course great picks. The story is also perfect to me, even with the modern day story really taking a back seat after the death of Desmond. Seeing Black Beard and other pirates is so cool. The game is just such a blast to play and I could not recommend it enough.

The setting and story are both very interesting, along with Connor being a very cool protagonist in my opinion. He is the largest and most intimidating of the main assassins in the series, and the gameplay reflects that. The finishing animations are very cool and it is another well made revenge story I think.

The game starts off slow by playing Haytham, but when you finally get to Connor it is a lot of fun. Exploring New York and Boston is a lot of fun and going through the American Revolution was great to have the story take place in. The modern story was also the best in the series, reaching the climax of Desmond's story.

There are plenty of flaws, and some aspects are just very boring to work through. But It introduced ship battling and helped set up the future AC games to be better. All in all it was a very fun game that I had a great time playing. (Also the remastered version that came out in 2019 bumps it up to 4 stars for me)

This game took everything good about the first game and improved it, while taking everything bad about the first game and fixed it. It is so easy to see where you are in the sequences and what you need to do next, the maps are easy to read. Combat is fun and engaging, you can upgrade a lot more, the setting is amazing with it being Renaissance Italy. I could go on and on about all the things this game gets right.

I will stick to the best parts though, and that is by far Ezio and his story. He is such an engaging and charming protagonist you grow to love him very quickly, and all side content really helps to flesh out his character. He always has fun or meaningful interactions with the other characters, and the moments with his mother and sister are always very nice. Following his story of revenge, progressively getting more matured and humbled along the way is great to see. It has a great ending and it is so fun watching him become a master assassin. Also his friendship with Leonardo da Vinci is great.

Modern day story also starts off strong and finishes strong, even though the parts in the middle don't feel like anything too special. It's never too much. Although the dream sequence in modern day was very cool.

All in all it is a very strong game with a beautiful setting and very fun gameplay to accompany an amazing story.

This game is the perfect start to the AC series and the Holy Land during the Third Crusade was a perfect setting. All of the maps and cities are very cool to explore and I enjoyed doing the side content to get all of the achievements and 100% the game.

The story is it's strongest part though, Altair is an interesting character who has to earn back his rank after making a costly mistake and having a set list of targets added to the fun of being an assassin. The ending twist was a very good one that really introduces you to the power in this world. And in hindsight I enjoyed the modern day story a lot, mainly in context of all the Desmond story over several games that made the first five games feel very connected.

Final Fantasy 3 introduces the job system... more like I would rather be working at my job system.

In what is apparently my latest hot take, I think this game is worse than FF2 actually.

The job system is kinda interesting and of course is the foundation of more to come, but for a game that is trying to have more of an expanded story its funny how it doesn't have as impactful moments as either of its predecessors.

Also the music is worse. (Town of Amur is great though).

The game trapped me in the in game dungeon just to make me suffer and I won't forgive or forget.

Kinda cool how you can walk around the big ship. And now that I think about it, the numerous airships and surprisingly expanding world map give FF3 more character than I was thinking to admit when starting to type this review.

Can't wait to play FF4! How far will I get into the series this year? Stay tuned.

Celeste flavored Mario 64 mixed with Sunshine mixed with Bowser's Fury? For Celeste's anniversary? Great way to spend some time on a Tuesday night.