This is ass. 4 enemy types the entire game as you just go through the most recent horror tropes like "Scary little girl". The gameplay is fine...the kind of thing you've seen 40 times before. Chaser enemies suck and go from "Oh fuck" to "Alright can you fuck off I'm trying to do something" by the second time you see them.

Love this game. Love those funky lil plant dudes.

Imagine this with better characters and better dungeons for 50 hours. That'd be crazy.

Fucking love the lil' plant bitches.

I don't really get it. It's fine but it's very tedious. I don't understand why people adore this game.

Idk how this series got popular after this game but I'm glad it did

I really enjoyed this. It's very janky but playing as the characters you know and love and doing their signature moves is very fun.

This game is so ungodly slow, it has some of the weakest designs in the entire franchise, Sinnoh is an ass region and it's overall probably one of the weakest games in the series. Cynthia is cool though.


Love everything about it. The DQ inspired RPG mechanics, the writing, Ichiban and cast are so fun and charming, there's so many wild and fun things to see and do. I had a Chicken, Chimp, Roomba and Old Lady in a board meeting for my corporate shareholders to question.

Yakuza is always fantastic but this is probably tied for my favorite in the series, alongside 0.

I plays better but it's kinda boring. I don't give a shit about the protopet story and Quark is a bad villain.

My favourite game of all time and I don't think I can fully explain why. The visuals are all absolutely endearing and have this ethereal effect of something you'd find in a game you just picked up from the store shelf as a kid and knew nothing about. Every part of this game has this air of mystery and intrigue with such creative passion oozing out of every single tiny pixel of it. It's a masterclass of art, love and design and I think it deserves to be recognized as such.

The gameplay loop might be a little repetitive and obtuse, the systems might be a little frustrating at times doesn't really matter. Playing this made me feel like I was playing something that came from another world, it felt like It was built in someones dream. Nothing ever replicates that feeling for me and I don't think anything will ever again.

MOON will forever be the closest game to my heart that nothing else will come close to and unless Stray Children (The creators upcoming and final game) captures that feeling, I think it will remain there.

I can understand why this game inspired Undertale, and honestly I think it could inspire so many other masterpieces of work.

I love MOON and no matter what people like or dislike about it, I can't ever not love MOON. For being an experience that no other game has ever been able to give me.

I legitimately wish I could play more fully translated LDL games.

This is it girls, the best Sonic game

It's fine....Mine is a great villain and I like spending time at the Orphanage, combat is still great and it's still a good ass game.