The original was already great, this is the same game but just as good. Some minor technical issues don't stop it being a fun to learn game with loads of passion put in. This is the best Platinum Game

For every jank and surreal game design choice, there's a massive amount of charm covering it up. A lot of very strange decisions but it has clear passion and direction.

Too reliant on the arcadey aspect and loses what made 2016 such a power house of a game. Too much time spent on platforming puzzles and cutscenes that switch to third person to rip you out of the game whenever they feel like it. The low ammo count and consistent need to play the game the way they want you to really ruins the flow for me.

Basically takes anything you enjoyed about RE3 and shoves it into the dirt. The only decent aspects of the game is the alright combat and the visuals but even then the redesigns of everything are so ugly and miss the point so hard that I don't know if I can say it looks good.

Very solid character action game. Fun combo style combat and a bunch of fanservice at every turn. Honestly I hope we get a sequel.

This is honestly one of the most satisfying and relaxing games I've ever played. I'll usually drop what I'm doing just to play the new content patches.


A decent action game with some interesting ideas. It's kinda mediocre as is but way better than 7....that's not really hard though. It has a lot more interesting of a gameplay structure and locale but in the end it's just another Capcom game in an era where they're all just treading puddles without getting any deeper.

I love this game so much. The constant raising of your Digimon, The wonder behind what they'll become next, the fun and varied areas you can explore. GIVE ME MORE. Cyber Sleuth is good but MORE OF THIS!.

Monster Hunter continues to morph it's formula to almost unrecognizable levels by jamming in more stupid gimmicks!. Gone are the days of fun and interesting hunts where multiple monsters could put you at risk and here are the days where once they enter the same area, they wont do it again due to the fact that they fight and they don't want you to exploit it. An unfinished game with half its content being paraded out as DLC and missing any draw to keep me wanting to play for hours after beating it like the older games pre-world. Wirebug mechanics are alright I suppose but it's just another attempt at making the series seem different when they change to a new gen. I'm tired of what MH has become to be honest.

Tetsuya Mizuguchi can do no wrong

A load of fun to just sit back and mash out a few dungeons in. Level-5 make super fun games and this reminds me of Yokai Watch Blasters. Plenty to do and a lot to unlock to keep you ingame for hours. Honestly worth buying if you just wanna lay about and read amazing food puns. Though I could do without the weird out of place Trump memes in the localization. What the hell is that about?.

Not as good as the first, you don't really get to interact with the girls and it feels far more RNG and less interesting. However the gameplay can still be a lot of fun and the writing is still great.

Amazing game, great animation, voice work, design, art style, everything tbh. It's a bit slow but the interactivity with the characters and the story are so great. Combat is alright but it's not the main focus of the game, the conversation LIPS system really is a lot of fun to use and honestly I don't think I'll like a different dialogue system for a while. Azami is best girl, this is fact.

This has had more thought and care put into it than World and Rise combined. What a wonderful game with plenty to do, loads of fanservice and just great moments all the way through.