I love this game so much. The constant raising of your Digimon, The wonder behind what they'll become next, the fun and varied areas you can explore. GIVE ME MORE. Cyber Sleuth is good but MORE OF THIS!.

Sony deserve to be slapped for dropping this franchise. I love everything about Kat and Raven, I love the visuals, I love the gameplay, I love the cute outfits!. The only minor issue I have is the world is a little too empty and now you can't get costumes easily due to Sony shafting the online servers. But it's still one of my favorite games of all time.


My favourite game of all time and I don't think I can fully explain why. The visuals are all absolutely endearing and have this ethereal effect of something you'd find in a game you just picked up from the store shelf as a kid and knew nothing about. Every part of this game has this air of mystery and intrigue with such creative passion oozing out of every single tiny pixel of it. It's a masterclass of art, love and design and I think it deserves to be recognized as such.

The gameplay loop might be a little repetitive and obtuse, the systems might be a little frustrating at times but...it doesn't really matter. Playing this made me feel like I was playing something that came from another world, it felt like It was built in someones dream. Nothing ever replicates that feeling for me and I don't think anything will ever again.

MOON will forever be the closest game to my heart that nothing else will come close to and unless Stray Children (The creators upcoming and final game) captures that feeling, I think it will remain there.

I can understand why this game inspired Undertale, and honestly I think it could inspire so many other masterpieces of work.

I love MOON and no matter what people like or dislike about it, I can't ever not love MOON. For being an experience that no other game has ever been able to give me.

I legitimately wish I could play more fully translated LDL games.

Very solid character action game. Fun combo style combat and a bunch of fanservice at every turn. Honestly I hope we get a sequel.

Love everything about it. The DQ inspired RPG mechanics, the writing, Ichiban and cast are so fun and charming, there's so many wild and fun things to see and do. I had a Chicken, Chimp, Roomba and Old Lady in a board meeting for my corporate shareholders to question.

Yakuza is always fantastic but this is probably tied for my favorite in the series, alongside 0.

Pikmin is a wonderful series and this is no exception. Plenty of content and fun to be had with charming and gorgeous visuals and new stuff to do.

Not as good as the first, you don't really get to interact with the girls and it feels far more RNG and less interesting. However the gameplay can still be a lot of fun and the writing is still great.

A decent action game with some interesting ideas. It's kinda mediocre as is but way better than 7....that's not really hard though. It has a lot more interesting of a gameplay structure and locale but in the end it's just another Capcom game in an era where they're all just treading puddles without getting any deeper.

Monster Hunter continues to morph it's formula to almost unrecognizable levels by jamming in more stupid gimmicks!. Gone are the days of fun and interesting hunts where multiple monsters could put you at risk and here are the days where once they enter the same area, they wont do it again due to the fact that they fight and they don't want you to exploit it. An unfinished game with half its content being paraded out as DLC and missing any draw to keep me wanting to play for hours after beating it like the older games pre-world. Wirebug mechanics are alright I suppose but it's just another attempt at making the series seem different when they change to a new gen. I'm tired of what MH has become to be honest.