David Wise is my god and savior

The continuation of the Pocket Racer Saga. Truly a sight to behold.

One of the best work enviroments I have ever been a part of, a pleasure to go meet the staff members each day of the week and partake in the most cheerful of activities with these people that I can now call friends. Truly a wonderful experience and I hope we can continue for many years to come with many new projects ready to be tackled.

I ask you fellow reader to join us on this arduous but fruitful endeavor. Please, come to Majima Construction and have the experience of a lifetime, we'll be waiting for you!!

This game makes the original seem like a cheerful story. That's a sentence.

Fata stans when Door 3 ost 💃💃💃

I'm so thankful I get to live in the ONE timeline where this game exists

After replaying with the context of the entire series, I found The Phantom Pain roughly as great and flawed as I remembered.

The story is oozing with thematically rich nuances, exploring the loss of identity in the face of war in that unique Kojima style of storytelling, but it's at the cost of presenting an unfinished narrative that detracts from its purpuse and message.

Gameplay is just a blast. Unlimited possibilities to complete missions of ample enough variety to keep things fresh, with satisfying gunplay, simple but effective area design, and very competent enemy AI. This really feels like the culmination of the team's years of experience with the series, and it really pays off. Although the game does looses its shine in the second half, where main missions dissapointingly start being reused.

The presentation is top notch, the mastery in both the visual and sound direction give the game a great cinematic feel to it, while still feeling distinct from other AAA games thanks to its creativity.

While I always will wonder what kind of game we could have gotten if Kojima was given the time he needed to finish his vision, what we got is still an engrosing stealth game that offers a unique gameplay experience unlike any other of its kind.

Trying to figure out who's my favorite character between Mack and Doc Brown.

Me when I'm in the confusing nonsensical narrative competition and my opponents are the Yakuza 4 devs.

That feeling when you time the dance heat action with the costume change.

Not enough gameplay hours spent on looking after Haruto.

Yakuza 6 fans be like there's an impostor among us

Step into the lake when you fight that last boss. It makes it cooler.